Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Gw2 Trading Post Strategie

Guild Wars 2 Guida Oro Come per trovare l'oro in Guild Wars 2 Il Risultato Guida Black Lions L'oro è stato scritto per offrire un libero making oro risorsa per la comunità di Guild Wars 2. La guida vi equipaggiare con tutte le competenze necessarie, gli strumenti e le conoscenze necessarie per competere e dominare sul competitivo stazione commerciale di battaglia con successo. Noi won8217t mentiamo, rendendo l'oro in Guild Wars 2 è in realtà abbastanza semplice. Soprattutto quando si ha accesso a una grande guida come con le punte collaudati, un elenco brillante strumenti Trading Post e oro rendendo articoli regolari sul nostro blog Black Lions Profit. Si consiglia di verificare personalmente i nostri amici oltre a oro Wars 2 per tutti i grafici Trading Post, il monitoraggio dei prezzi e delle utilità economiche. Essi offrono un grande servizio premium che permette di massimizzare facilmente il tuo oro fare impresa in Guild Wars 2, Abbiamo davvero non posso consigliare loro abbastanza E 'importante notare che la guida d'oro è in un lavoro continuo in corso, i continui aggiornamenti dei nostri suggerimenti e strategie con informazioni come nuovo contenuto viene aggiunto al gioco. Ci auguriamo che attaccare intorno e seguirci sul nostro blog di Guild Wars 2. Sommario Una Introduzione al Trading Post UPDATE dall'utente TerrorBite Questa è una grande risorsa, ma è superata. L'interfaccia Trading Post cambiato nel corso di un anno fa. Per coloro che leggono, io riassumere i cambiamenti: Ora ci sono tre schede distinte lungo il lato sinistro. La scheda in primo piano è la gemma Store, il secondo è il cambio valuta (gemme per oro, oro alle gemme), e il terzo è il Trading Post. Siamo interessati solo a questa ultima scheda. Il Gem Conservare apre per impostazione predefinita quando si preme O o selezionando l'icona Trading Post, tuttavia la scheda Trading Post apre per impostazione predefinita quando si parla di un Black Lion Trader NPC. All'interno della scheda Trading Post, c'è un pannello sinistro con il saldo d'oro in cima, e un pannello di destra con quattro schede nella parte superiore. Il pannello di sinistra visualizza anche le opzioni di filtro per il pannello di destra (spiegato di seguito), e la scatola di consegna in cui gli elementi si acquista e l'oro che guadagni vengono mantenuti fino raccolti da un leone nero Trader NPC. Quando si interagisce con un NPC, ci sarà un prendere tutto pulsante nella casella di consegna che si fa clic per ricevere il denaro e oggetti. Senza un NPC, è possibile visualizzare solo il contenuto della scatola. La prima scheda nel pannello di destra è di casa, che vi dà collegamenti rapidi è possibile utilizzare per vendere i tuoi oggetti, comprare armi, armature o comprare. Esso mostra anche i tre più recenti articoli che avete visto, e le tre più recente che si boughtsold. La seconda scheda è comprare Elementi. Questo elenco di tutti gli elementi disponibili per l'acquisto sul Trading Post utilizzare le opzioni di filtro e di ricerca nel riquadro a sinistra per trovare gli articoli che interessano. È possibile filtrare gli elementi per categoria, e la ricerca per nome. Le opzioni avanzate consentono di cercare per rarità e livello utilizzabile, con l'aggiunta di opzioni di ricerca avanzate disponibili per alcune categorie di filtro (ad esempio armi e armature). Il prezzo indicato accanto a ogni elemento della lista è l'offerta vendita più basso. Facendo clic su qualsiasi elemento si aprirà un pop-up che visualizza acquisto e in vendita, dove si può scegliere di acquistare da l'ordine di vendita più basso istantaneamente, posizionare il proprio ordine di acquisto ad un prezzo inferiore, o uscire senza comprare. La terza scheda è articoli vendono. Questo è molto simile alla seconda scheda, tranne la lista visualizza gli elementi non legati dal vostro inventario. Il prezzo indicato accanto a ogni articolo è la più alta offerta di acquisto. È possibile utilizzare i filtri per visualizzare solo il contenuto di una particolare inventario nota borsa che gli elementi in Borse invisibili non verranno visualizzati anche se si seleziona la Borsa invisibile È anche possibile cercare per nome, la rarità e il livello. Facendo clic su qualsiasi elemento si aprirà un pop-up che visualizza acquisto e in vendita per tale voce, in cui è possibile scegliere di vendere al più alto ordine di acquisto istantaneamente, posizionare il proprio ordine di vendita a un prezzo più alto, o lasciare senza vendere i tuoi oggetti. La scheda finale è mie transazioni, che per fortuna non è più insensibile e mal progettato seconda del filtro selezionato, questo verrà visualizzato sia gli oggetti che si sta attualmente in attesa di buysell, o elementi che in precedenza boughtsold successo. Questa scheda è utile per la cancellazione di acquistare o vendere gli ordini che non sono ancora state soddisfatte, e per vedere dove tutto l'oro che hai appena guadagnato venuto da Spero che questo aiuti The Black Lion Trading Post è il fulcro di Tyria8217s tutta l'economia, con migliaia di passaggio oro attraverso le porte it8217s ogni giorno la creazione di una scorta infinita di opportunità di fare soldi. Se siete seri su come rendere oro, allora è anche il luogo dove vi permetterà di trascorrere la maggior parte del vostro tempo 8220playing il market8221 in Guild Wars 2. L'interfaccia è ben lungi dall'essere perfetto, con alcune scelte progettuali frustranti ed un browser per oggetto spesso non risponde . C'è un sacco di spazio per ulteriori miglioramenti. (Stai leggendo questo, Guild Wars 2 sviluppatori) Tuttavia, in quanto è tutto quello che dobbiamo lavorare con la nostra unica opzione è quella di portare avanti e di utilizzare gli strumenti disponibili al meglio delle nostre capacità. Se didn8217t sa, il 2 economia di Guild Wars è condivisa a livello globale tutta la comunità intere giochi, con ogni Uniti e server di UE l'accesso alla stessa identica Trading Post come te. Il che significa che siamo in competizione contro l'intero playerbase praticamente. That8217s un sacco di concorrenza Guild Wars 2 Valuta Guild Wars 2 utilizza un sistema di valuta semplice per il giocatore di trading, con l'oro generica, monete di amplificatore di rame d'argento si trovano comunemente in altri giochi di ruolo fantasy. La moneta è spesso abbreviato in g vecchio, s Ilver e C Opper. Usando questa formula, 9 d'oro, 80 d'argento amp 70 monete di rame sarebbe stato abbreviato in 9 g 80 s 70 c. Trading Post Schede La Trading Post Basics Accesso al trading post è estremamente facile basta individuare e premere il tasto 8220O8221 sulla tastiera e apparirà l'interfaccia come per magia, in alternativa, è possibile fare una visita a uno dei tanti Trader8217s leone nero sparsi Tyria. Io personalmente preferisco utilizzare quello in Lions Arch in quanto è una città molto vivace, con lot8217s di giocatori e conversazione interessante. (Perfetto per quando si è in attesa per quel lingotto d'oro scorso di vendere) quando l'interfaccia si apre, si vedrà la pagina di destinazione iniziale (nella foto sotto) la visualizzazione di alcune informazioni utili riguardo le game8217s Top scambiati, in dotazione, richiesto e gli elementi valutati. E 'importante prestare attenzione a questi elementi in quanto sono spesso redditizio 8220flip8221. Tuttavia, possono essere estremamente competitivi per raccogliere un oggetto o raccogliere il tuo oro dal Trading Post, è necessario visitare un Black Lion Trader di persona e utilizza la scheda up8221 8220pick sull'interfaccia Trading Post. Tassa di elenco Quando invio un elemento per il Trading Post, si impone una tassa del 5. Questa tassa non è rimborsabile, anche se si rimuove il vostro articolo, senza una vendita. Il motivo per cui questo esiste è quello di dissuadere le persone di utilizzare il Trading Post come un conto bancario illimitato e per aggiungere un dissipatore aggiuntivo oro nel gioco. (Per rimuovere l'oro dalla circolazione) Per esempio, se si voleva vendere una carota a 100 monete d'oro, la tassa di elenco sarebbe 5 oro. (5) Commissione di vendita Quando un oggetto è venduto sul Trading Post, una tassa del 10 è imposto e viene rimosso automaticamente dal prezzo di vendita. Dal momento che questa tassa si applica solo quando un oggetto viene venduto, non è detratto se si decide di rimuovere l'elemento. (A differenza della tassa 5 schede di cui sopra). Per esempio, una volta la carota ha venduto per 100 monete d'oro, la commissione di vendita sarebbe 10 d'oro. (10) Esempio imposte Se venduto con successo la carota per 100 monete d'oro, sia la quota di 5 schede e 10 di spese di vendita sarebbero stati detratti automaticamente dal prezzo, lasciando con un rendimento 85 oro dalla vendita. Mi consiglia di utilizzare la piccola calcolatrice brillanti a tpcalc per lavorare fuori tutti i tuoi Guild Wars 2 tasse. Vendere un elemento sul Trading Post Vendita di un elemento sul Trading Post è molto semplice, a patto che si ha abbastanza oro per coprire la quota di 5 annunci you8217re a posto. Si possono elencare un oggetto attraverso l'interfaccia Trading Post selezionando il 8220Sell sul Trading scheda Post8221 oppure facendo clic destro su un elemento nel tuo inventario. Ci sono tre opzioni da prendere in considerazione quando si vuole vendere un oggetto su Trading Post: Massima compratore Questa è la prima opzione, che di default è sempre evidenziata. Questa opzione permette al giocatore di vendere il loro prodotto direttamente ad un acquirente e quindi garantendo una vendita immediata senza rischio di essere sottosquadro. (Qualcuno pubblichi un articolo in vendita più economico, spesso 8220undercutting8221 vostro prezzo da 1 moneta di rame) Tariffa venditore Questa è la seconda opzione, che corrispondono al prezzo al punto più basso della voce è attualmente in vendita per da diversi trader8217s. Il tuo articolo viene poi inserito in una coda in cui si dovrà attendere per lo stock seller8217s corrente per essere venduti prima. Manuale Il prezzo La terza opzione non è immediatamente chiaro, ma si ha la possibilità di modificare manualmente il prezzo unitario a qualsiasi importo che si desidera vendere un oggetto per. Un metodo comune utilizzato per player8217s è quello di 8220undercut8221 il venditore più basso da 1 moneta di rame, evitando così eventuali queue8217s e potenzialmente vendere l'oggetto più veloce. (Questo è generalmente visto di buon occhio, ma il vostro anonimi, in modo che doesn8217t molta importanza.) L'unico limite sul digitando manualmente in un prezzo è che deve costare almeno 1 rame più rispetto al prezzo base item8217s. (L'importo che si ottiene da vendere a un fornitore) 8220 per diventare ricchi, si deve essere fare soldi mentre you8217re addormentato. 8221 8211 David Bailey di base Trading Post Tecniche Ci sono alcune tecniche di base un giocatore può usare per fare oro sul Trading Post, sono molto facili da ricordare, ma comunque importante imparare. Le consigliamo i seguenti articoli sul nostro blog come ci occupiamo regolarmente questi metodi di base, così come rispondere alle domande della comunità e speculando sui contenuti futuri. Sottoquotazione Sottoquotazione è l'atto di vendere la vostra voce per un po 'meno il venditore più basso, al fine di evitare il sistema di coda e apparire più attraente per il potenziale acquirente. L'importo più comune per 8220undercut8221 da 1 è moneta di rame. That8217s praticamente realmente Se vi trovate a lottare per lo spazio in un mercato competitivo, quindi inferiori è uno strumento molto potente per garantire che si ottiene la vendita It8217s un cane mangia cane mondo nella terra di Tyria, se li can8217t battere, li inferiori. Flipping è il termine usato per descrivere l'acquisto su un elemento dal Trading Post e rapidamente rivendita (o 8220flipping8221) per un profitto. Si tratta di un modo estremamente semplice ma efficace metodo di fare oro sul Trading Post ed è anche considerato il 8220bread e butter8221 tecnica per fare l'oro nella maggior parte delle economie MMORPG. Flipping può essere una tecnica di base, ma c'è molto da informazioni di coprire e c'è un po 'di una curva di apprendimento. Fortunatamente abbiamo già creato tre guide brillanti per iniziare nel mondo della flipping: Comunità Manipolazione Manipolazione Comunità è l'atto di ripartire le punte falsi, le guide e le caratteristiche, nel tentativo di hype un oggetto e, successivamente, causare un aumento di prezzo. Il manipolatore sarà poi elencare le loro azioni a un prezzo più alto, come speculazione player8217s continuano ad acquistare l'oggetto. Questo metodo è molto malvista dalla comunità di Guild Wars 2, soprattutto tra la comunità game8217s Reddit dove questi tipi di post8217s sono stati trovati comunemente al momento del rilascio. In risposta, questi player8217s ora sono molto vigili e esprimeranno un atteggiamento estremamente ostile nei confronti chiunque tenti questa tecnica. (O che post8217s in generale tutto ciò per la messa a oro sul Trading Post) Non vi consiglio a chiunque di tentare questa strategia non solo è molto difficile da tirare fuori, ma è anche avido, manipolatore e generalmente male per l'economia. Tuttavia, è possibile che uno sviluppatore di provocare inavvertitamente la manipolazione della comunità, un 8220 lapsus 8221 sui forum o discussione su contenuti futuro sarà molto facilmente innescare un aumento dei prezzi, come trader8217s corsa per speculare sui contenuti futuri. Se siete interessati a tracciare questi posti, abbiamo scritto una guida brillante per stalking Guild Wars 2 sviluppatori per l'oro Gold Making Strategies Il Gold Making sezione Strategies è ancora in costruzione, it8217s scopo principale è quello di fornire collegamenti a article8217s e post di blog che dimostrano avanzata oro facendo tecniche. Altre guide di articoli di interesse Grazie per il feedback sulla guida, mentre cerco di mantenere le informazioni qui up-to-date e grammaticalmente corretto alcuni errori non scivolare attraverso di volta in volta. Purtroppo come ho limitato la connettività di potenza 038 non posso giustificare il tempo che ci vuole per individuare e correggere questi errori. Tuttavia, se qualche lettore legale ha pubblicato un commento rapido evidenziando i paragrafi o parole in cui sono stati effettuati gli errori allora sarei più che felice di risolverli. Mentre sono d'accordo con Ally con tutto il cuore, se avete questo salvato in un programma come Word o qualcosa d'altro, di solito hanno un'applicazione 8220Find e Replace8221 nella sezione di editing. Ci vorrà di esso per voi, se siete così inclinato. Ho pensato che fosse terribile che hai scritto una lunga, bella articolo tale solo per ottenere un post esigente di grammatica. La tua guida è ben messo insieme e molto facile da leggere. Apprezzo lo sforzo, come sto cercando di entrare nel leggere su 8220flipping.8221 La parte sulla manipolazione del mercato è stato davvero interessante soprattutto per vedere il grafico. Non avevo davvero idea che genere di cose è successo Questa è una grande risorsa, ma è superata. L'interfaccia Trading Post cambiato nel corso di un anno fa. Per coloro che leggono, io riassumere i cambiamenti: Ora ci sono tre schede distinte lungo il lato sinistro. La scheda in primo piano è la gemma Store, il secondo è il cambio valuta (gemme per oro, oro alle gemme), e il terzo è il Trading Post. Siamo interessati solo a questa ultima scheda. Il Gem Conservare apre per impostazione predefinita quando si preme O o selezionando l'icona Trading Post, tuttavia la scheda Trading Post apre per impostazione predefinita quando si parla di un Black Lion Trader NPC. All'interno della scheda Trading Post, c'è un pannello sinistro con il saldo d'oro in cima, e un pannello di destra con quattro schede nella parte superiore. Il pannello di sinistra visualizza anche le opzioni di filtro per il pannello di destra (spiegato di seguito), e la scatola di consegna in cui gli elementi si acquista e l'oro che guadagni vengono mantenuti fino raccolti da un leone nero Trader NPC. Quando si interagisce con un NPC, ci sarà un tasto 8220Take All8221 nella scatola di consegna che si fa clic per ricevere il denaro e oggetti. Senza un NPC, è possibile visualizzare solo il contenuto della scatola. La prima scheda nel pannello di destra è 8220Home8221, che vi dà collegamenti rapidi è possibile utilizzare per vendere i tuoi oggetti, comprare armi, armature o comprare. Esso mostra anche i tre più recenti articoli che avete visto, e le tre più recente che si boughtsold. La seconda scheda è 8220Buy Items8221. Questo elenco di tutti gli elementi disponibili per l'acquisto sul Trading Post 8211 utilizzo le opzioni di filtro e di ricerca nel riquadro a sinistra per trovare gli articoli che interessano. È possibile filtrare gli elementi per categoria, e la ricerca per nome. Le opzioni avanzate consentono di cercare per rarità e livello utilizzabile, con l'aggiunta di opzioni di ricerca avanzate disponibili per alcune categorie di filtro (ad esempio armi e armature). Il prezzo indicato accanto a ogni elemento della lista è l'offerta vendita più basso. Facendo clic su qualsiasi elemento si aprirà un pop-up che visualizza acquisto e in vendita, dove si può scegliere di acquistare da l'ordine di vendita più basso istantaneamente, posizionare il proprio ordine di acquisto ad un prezzo inferiore, o uscire senza comprare. La terza scheda è 8220Sell Items8221. Questo è molto simile alla seconda scheda, tranne la lista visualizza gli elementi non legati dal vostro inventario. Il prezzo indicato accanto a ogni articolo è la più alta offerta di acquisto. È possibile utilizzare i filtri per visualizzare solo il contenuto di una borsa particolare inventario 8211 nota che gli elementi in Borse invisibili non verranno visualizzati anche se si seleziona la Borsa invisibile È anche possibile cercare per nome, la rarità e il livello. Facendo clic su qualsiasi elemento si aprirà un pop-up che visualizza acquisto e in vendita per tale voce, in cui è possibile scegliere di vendere al più alto ordine di acquisto istantaneamente, posizionare il proprio ordine di vendita a un prezzo più alto, o lasciare senza vendere i tuoi oggetti. La scheda finale è 8220My Transactions8221, che per fortuna non è più risponde e mal progettato seconda del filtro selezionato, questo verrà visualizzato sia gli oggetti che si sta attualmente in attesa di buysell, o elementi che in precedenza boughtsold successo. Questa scheda è utile per la cancellazione di acquistare o vendere gli ordini che non sono ancora state soddisfatte, e per vedere dove tutto l'oro che hai appena guadagnato venuto da Spero che questo aiuti Lascia un Commento Annulla replyLo Esencial. 8220No se ve bien Sino con el Corazn. Lo esencial es invisibile a los ojos.8221 Deca el zorro al Principito de Antoine de Saint Exupry. Muchos se enternecen al leer esta frase tan conocida, y por cierto dan lo que sta Afirma. Hay que ver con el Corazn, la verdadera belleza est en el interior de cada uno de nosotros, ESA belleza ms pura que la fsica, que los ojos non ver pueden. Pero, 191realmente ES come personaggi 191Cuntas, Las mismas que se enternecen por ESA palabras, Ponen en el mensaje Funcionamiento Estoy de acuerdo con que lo verdaderamente Importanti es lo que no se puede ver ni tocar. Pero lo que ven los ojos influyen, veces porque muchas (senza siempre) SI Los Ojos non aprueban lo que ven, senza deja al Corazn ver qu es lo Sigue. Pero otras veces el Corazn se nos adelanta y le gana de mano a los ojos, y hace que stos aprendan a ver con amor. Tiene que ver, creo yo, con lo que cada persona est buscando, algunas buscan con el Corazn, otras con los ojos y otras con Ambos. Pero aunque no lo pongamos en muchas veces prctica, es lo cierto. Ya que por mucho que nos Una Persona Agrade a los ojos, lo esencial, lo verdaderamente Importanti (el interior de la persona) No nos gusta. Pero, 191por qu es lo esencial Porque el interior es el que las Relaciones Forja, es el responsable de los Sentimientos. Uno cuando necesita de una caricia, de abrazo un, non Busca solista manos o Brazos, sino Busca sentir ese cario que los traspasa cuerpos y llega hasta el alma. sto Tambin se refleja en una obra de conocida Antonio Santa Ana llamada Los Ojos del perro siberiano. Si No la conocen, Les recomiendo que la magra. El protagonista de esta historia tena SIDA, la mayora de su familia y sus amigos le dieron la espalda. Pero no su perro, el cual lo sigui Mirando con los ojos Mismos. Y es sto a lo que llamamos 8220esencial8221: las personas no supieron ver con el corazon, slo miraron con los ojos y no pudieron ver más tutti. Pero el perro si supo mirar con el Corazn. Para que aquellos quisieran releer un Fragmento de El Principito donde esta aparece frase, o para aquellos que no lo conocen, Vamos a recordarlo: Entonces apareci el zorro: -161Buenos Das - dijo el zorro. -161Buenos Das - respondi cortsmente el Principito que se Volvi pero no vo nada. Aqu - Estoy, Bajo El Manzano - djo La Voz. -191Quin Eres t - pregunt el principito-. 161Qu bonito eres - Soy un zorro - dijo el zorro. - Ven Un jugar conmigo - le propuso el principito-, 161estoy tan triste No puedo jugar contigo - dijo el zorro-, no estoy domesticado. -161Ah, Perdn - dijo el Principito. Pero despus de una breve reflexin, aadi: -191Qu significa domesticar - T no eres de Aqu - dijo el zorro - 191qu buscas - Busco a los hombres - le respondi el principito-. 191Qu significa domesticar - Los hombres - dijo el zorro - tienen escopetas y Cazan. 161Es muy molesto Pero gallinas Tambin Cran. Es lo que les nico interesa. 191T buscas gallinas - No - djo el principito-. amigos Busco. 191Qu significa domesticar - volvi un Preguntar el Principito. - es Cosa Una ya olvidada - dijo el zorro-, significa Crear Lazos. - Efectivamente, Vers - dijo EL zorro-. T no eres para m todava ms que un Muchachito igual un otros cien mil muchachitos. Y no te necesito. Tampoco t tienes necesidad de m. No soy para ti ms que un zorro entre otros cien mil zorros semejantes. Pero si me Domesticas, entonces tendremos necesidad el Uno del otro. T sers para m nico en el mundo, yo ser para ti nico en el mundo. - Comienzo Un comprender - dijo el principito-. Hay una flor. creo que ella mi ha domesticado. - ES Posible - concedi el zorro-, en la Tierra se ven todo tipo de cosas. -161Oh, No es en la Tierra - exclam el Principito. El zorro Pareci intrigado: -191En otro planeta -191Hay cazadores en ese planeta -161Qu interesante 191Y gallinas - Nada es perfecto - suspir el zorro. despus Y volviendo a su un'idea: - Mi vida es muy Montona. Cazo gallinas y los hombres mi Cazan una m. Todas las gallinas se parecen y todos los hombres figlio iguales por consiguiente mi aburro un poco. Si me t Domesticas, mi vida estar llena de sl. Conocer el rumor de unos pasos Diferentes a todos los DEM. Los otros Pasos mi Hacen Esconder bajo la tierra los tuyos mi llamarn fuera de la madriguera como una Msica. Adems Y, 161mira 191Ves tutto Abajo los campos de Trigo Yo no como Pan y por lo tanto el trigo es para m algo salvo esaurimento. Los Campos de Trigo no me nada recuerdan y eso mi pone triste. 161Pero t tienes los Cabellos dorados y ser algo maravilloso cuando me domestiques El Trigo, que es dorado Tambin, ser un Recuerdo de ti. Y amar el ruido del viento en el trigo. El zorro se chiamano y mir un buen rato al Principito: - Por favore. domestcame - le dijo. - Bien Quisiera - le respondi el Principito pero no tengo mucho tiempo. Egli de buscar amigos y conocer muchas cosas. Slo se conocen bien las cosas que se domestican - dijo el zorro-. Los hombres ya no fienen tiempo de conocer nada. Lo compran todo Hecho en las tiendas. Y como non tiendas fieno Donde amigos vendan, hombres Ios senza Tienen ya amigos. 161Si quieres amigo, domestcame -191Qu debo hacer el - pregunt prncipito. - Debes Tener mucha Paciencia - respondi el zorro-. Te sentars al Principio n poco lejos de m, come, en el suelo yo te mirar con el ojo del rabillo y no me t dirs nada. El lenguaje es fuente de Malos entendidos. Pero cada DA podrs sentarte un poco cerca ms. El Principito Volvi al da siguiente. - Hubiera Sido mejor el - dijo zorro - que vinieras a la misma hora. vienes Si, por ejempl, a las cuatro de la tarde desde las tres yo empezara un Dichoso ser. ms Cuanto avance La Hora, ms feliz mi Sentir. Un las cuatro me sentir agitado e inquieto, descubrir come lo que vale la feliidad. Pero si t vienes una hora cualquier, Nuna sabr Cundo preparar mi Corazn. Los ritos necesarios figlio. -191Qu Es un rito - inquiri el Principito. - es Tambin algo demasiado Olvidado - dijo el zorro-. Es lo que hace que un no se da parezca un otro da y que Una hora mare diferente un otra. Entre los Cazadores, por ejemplo, hay un rito. Los jueves Bailan con las muchachas del pueblo. Los jueves entonces figlio das maravillosos en los que puedo ir de paseo hasta la via. Si los Cazadores non bailaran it da fijo, todos los das SE pareceran y yo no vacaciones Tendra. De esta manera el Principito domestico al zorro. Y cuando se fue acercando eI da de la partida: -161Ah - dijo el zorro-, llorar. - Tuya Es la culpa - le dijo el principito-, yo no Quera hacerte dao, pero t ha querido que te gregario. - Ciertamente - dijo El zorro. - Y vas a llorar. - dijo l Principito. - Gano - dijo El zoro - ha ganado una causa del colore Del Trigo. Y luego aadi: - Vete un ver las Rosas comprenders que la tuya es nica en el mundo. Volvers un decirme Adis y yo te regalar secreto delle Nazioni Unite. El Principito se fue a ver las Rosas a que dijo las: - No figlio nada, ni en nada se parecen a mi Rosa. Nadie las ha domesticado ni ustedes han domesticado a nadie. Son como el antes epoca zorro, que en nada se diferenciaba de otros cien mil zorros. Pero yo le hice mi amigo y ahora es nico en el mundo. Las Rosas se sentan Molestas oyendo al Principito, que continu dicindoles: - Son muy Bellas, pero estn Vacas y nadie dara la vida por ustedes. Cualquiera que las Vea PODR creer que indudablemente m Rosa es igual que cualquiera de ustedes. Pero ella se sabe ms Importante que todas, porque yo la egli Regado, porque ha sido un ella a la que abrigu con el fanal, porque yo Le Mat los gusanos (Salvo dos o tres que se hicieron mariposas) y es un ella a la que yo ha odo quejarse, alabarse y algunas veces hasta callarse. Porque es mi Rosa, en fin. Y Volvi con el zorro. - Adis - le Dijo. - Adis - dijo EL zorro-. Egli Aqu mi secreto, que no puede ser ms semplice. Slo con el Corazn se puede ver bien. Lo esencial es para los ojos invisibile. - Lo Esencial es para invisibile los ojos - repiti el Principito para acordarse. - LO Che fa ms Importante a tu Rosa, es el tiempo que t ha perdido con ella. - ES El tiempo que yo ha perdido con ella. - repiti el Principito para recordarlo. - Los Hombres han Olvidado esta verdad - dijo el zorro-, pero t non debes olvidarla. Eres responsable para siempre de lo que ha domesticado. T eres responsable de tu rosa. - Yo Soy responsable de mi Rosa. - repiti el Principito un fin de recordarlo Recuerden cada vez que los ojos vayan apoderandose del Corazn, y como repitan lo Hizo El Principito: No se ve bien Sino con el Corazn. Lo esencial es a los ojos invisibile. 59 comentarios: Lo Escencial es invisibili a los ojos. y es lo que no pasa inadvertido en el Corazn de quien sabe que en el Corazn se Hacen visibles todo lo que con los ojos no se ven. Tu Corazn non siente solista, que sino Tambin ve y se conmueve con lo que ve, eso no habla solista muy bien de Vos sino que me enorgullese saberte asi. lo que el Corazn persive es lo Escencial de la vida. Te Quiero Mucho Mi Qualsiasi. anitaa. Lei un poquito lo que escribiste (porque en cualquier Momento me Rajan P) y es muy lindo. otro dia paso y lo leo todo. te quiero mucho anitaaa besos BUENAS Nessuna PODIA PASAR y no firmar. BUENO La Verdad ES TAN TARDE Q tengo ni TIEMPO DE LEER SOLO DE POSTEAR ESTO Y ME VOY PERO BUE. ALGO ES ALGO Maana SI Tengo un Toq DE TIEMPO LO Leere aunque ME Suena MUCHO a vivir, AMAR Y aprender. PERO BUE. ALLA VOS. BUENO SIN NADA MAS Q decir POR AHORA ME TOMO EL PALO AHI te ves Me ha dejado maravillado, peccato Palabra alguna. TE Felicito Qualsiasi-chan. Espero se reestablezca La Amistad q supimos tener. Te mando un besote enorme. Un Pequeo comentario no mas. No digo que no haya que hoy vivir, siempre tuve Afinidad por la frase Carpe Diem180180 (disfruta O Vive el Presente), pero no creo q no haya q pensar el maana. Cumplir un Sueo no es pensar en el maana. Querer dar vida no es pensar en el maana. Ecc ecc ecc Est claro que es que se ilgico piense igual, sino, nessun dibattito Habira Aqui te dejo otro besote Decirte que comparto la mayoria de tus pensamientos seria Una obviedad porque siempre lo charlamos y la mayoria de las veces estamos de acuerdo. Creo que tu manera de ver las cosas, la mia o la de los Demas, transmite Simplemente el color con que cada uno de nosotros intrepretamos lo que vemos representar dentro de este Escenario maravilloso que se llama VIDA, y lo que nos muestra ella y nos permite o no vivir, crea sentimientos y con esos sentimientos se involucran Como Si fueran Jueces o dictadores La Razon y el corazon, lo ideale seria que ambos interpretaran vida y hacia sentimientos un mismo sentido, pero Casi siempre Uno prevalece sobre el otro. me gusta cuando el corazon Vence a la razon y Toma como consejera a la conciencia, para actuar con cautela y para que, si la realidad fuese otra, no nos tomo desprevinidos y SI con los torte bien firmes sobre la tierra. Bravo. sencillamente Hermoso Se il desiderio di prendere molto da questo pezzo di scrittura, allora si deve applicare tali strategie per il vostro sito web ha vinto. 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Introduction The warrior is an incredibly versatile class with a strong foothold in the current meta game in all 3 modes of gameplay, able to excel using a variety of different builds. This guide will focus on the Player vs Environment (PvE) aspects of the warrior. Warriors are generally acknowledged as a very beginner-friendly class to play due to the fact that they wear heavy armour and have a high natural amount of toughness and vitality. Because of this, it is easily the case that a warrior with absolutely no investment into defensive attributes will be significantly more durable than most of their other class counterparts. It is a class with extremely high potential that is both overestimated and underestimated. As you read further into this guide, you will learn the intricacies of the class with the best party-wide offensive-buffing capabilities and the biggest arsenal of weapons out of all 8 classes. Warrior is both simple to understand and very difficult to master, as it is very easy to succeed as an average warrior but it requires an incredible amount of practice, determination, and skill to meet its true potential in gameplay. A warriors unique class mechanic is called adrenaline 8212 a resource which they can build up through several ways, allowing them to use burst skills as well as gaining fxes based on their adrenaline level. Each burst skill has 3 different levels which will increase in potency based off of the amount of adrenaline a warrior has when casting them. Adrenaline will slowly deplete over time when a warrior is out of combat, so it is necessary to build up adrenaline at the start of every encounter. A warrior8217s adrenaline level is increased from hitting mobs or objects or from making use of certain tools offered through a healing skill, utility skills, and an elite. Additionally, the warrior has a plethora of traits to select from that regulate adrenaline use and accumulation along with providing extra damage, healing, and more. TerminologyGlossary Stack 8211 all party members stand closely on one spot, usually to share boons or to help control mob aggro Aggro 8211 slang for aggression or aggravation, usually referred to a mob being aggressive towards you, attacking or following you Mob 8211 an enemy or creature LoSLine of Sight 8211 usually referred to the act of breaking the line of sight a mob has towards you, causing them to run towards you to regain line of sight (e. g hiding around a corner) NPC 8211 Non-player character. Computer controlled characters. You are usually accompanied by one or more NPC in every dungeon path LFG 8211 Looking for Group Pug 8211 Pickup group. A group made up of people who you do not know, usually via the ingame LFG system DPS 8211 Damage Per Second AoE 8211 Area of Effect. Any skill that has more than one target is considered area of effect Pull 8211 gaining the initial aggro of an enemy Boons 8211 also known as buffs, these give positive effects to you and allies Proc 8211 Programmed Random Occurrence. Can sometimes used when talking about non-random occurrences (e. g, procing the counter attack on Riposte) Blast 8211 using a blast finisher in a combo field Zerk 8211 slang for berserker, a gear type Wipe 8211 when the whole party is dead CoE 8211 the dungeon Crucible of Eternity AC 8211 the dungeon Ascalonian Catacombs TA 8211 the dungeon Twilight Arbor SE 8211 the dungeon Sorrows Embrace CM 8211 the dungeon Caudecus Manor CoF 8211 the dungeon Citadel of Flame HotW 8211 the dungeon Honor of the Waves Commonly used Warrior related terms HB100b 8211 referring to the greatsword 2 skill Hundred Blades WWAWhirl 8211 referring to the greatsword 3 skill Whirlwind Attack Charge 8211 the 4 skill on warhorn Call to arms 8211 the 5 skill on warhorn Rush 8211 the 5 skill on greatsword Savage Leap 8211 the 2 skill on sword Shield Stance 8211 the 5 skill on shield Riposte 8211 the 5 skill on sword FGJ 8211 For Great Justice Banner 8211 Banner of DisciplineStrengthTacticsDefense Greatsword The Greatsword is the warriors iconic weapon attributed to mobility, evades, high burst damage, and offensive buffing. It is the weapon that will be most commonly used in combat. 1 8211 Autoattack Chain The autoattack chain of the greatsword is its only skill of the 5 available that is under-performing, due to the very slow attack speed. Despite the fact that the damage coefficients between the 3 hits are higher than most other weapons, the autoattack chain of the greatsword is fairly low DPS. The autoattack chain is divided into three parts Greatsword Swing, Greatsword Slice, and Brutal Strike. Both Greatsword Swing and Greatsword Slice apply 1 stack of vulnerability each that both last for 8 seconds in duration, which help with the warrior8217s vulnerability contribution during group fights, but what is important to note is that there is a delay after the Greatsword Slice and before the Brutal Strike which make it sometimes difficult to properly time an evasion with Whirlwind Attack. Brutal Strike applies no vulnerability but deals slightly higher damage than the first two hits in the chain, meaning that in addition to the fairly slow attack speed of this autoattack sequence resulting in low DPS, the damage is slightly backloaded as well. Perhaps the most iconic skill out of all of warrior8217s weapons and one of the defining features of the warrior greatsword is Hundred Blades. This skill provides large burst damage on a short cooldown, as well as large numbers to admire with a total of 9 hits with the last one dealing the most damage. Unfortunately there are two negative aspects of this skill the cast time and the fact that it roots the warrior in place. Because of the fact that it cannot be used while moving and requires a full 3.5 seconds to complete the cast, this skill requires the target in question to be stationary and leaves the warrior vulnerable to take damage while casting. Knowing these two downsides to this skill is important, and in order to make best use of it one must master positioning and timing in order to know when and where it is appropriate to begin this channel during a fight. 3 8211 Whirlwind Attack Coupled with Hundred Blades, this is one of the warrior8217s most damaging attacks if used intelligently. It has a total of 4 hits that are spread across the range of 450 and if the distance traveled is obstructed, all of the hits will land in the same spot. This means that a warrior can abuse movement impairment such as terrain (walls, rocks, different leveled surfaces, etc.) or allowing themselves to become immobilised to their advantage and use WWA for a quick burst. This deals a lot of damage on a fairly short cooldown and is a very efficient way to accumulate a large chunk of adrenaline in around a second, making it easier to maintain Berserker8217s Power8217s damage modifier in fights. Bladetrail is a ranged attack in the form of a projectile that cripples and damages enemies that it passes through. The projectile will return to the user and hit twice in total, although it can and will get obstructed by terrain if used nearby. What this means is that this skill is only a DPS increase if used out in the open where the projectile is able to hit its targets twice. If an enemy is against a wall or near a surface that will obstruct the projectile, it is a DPS loss over autoattacking. Rush has many practical uses, all of which make it a very important skill for the warrior both in and out of combat. Out of combat it can be used to travel large distances quickly. Rush will channel for 2 seconds and if no target has been reached the end of the animation involving the damaging strike will not execute, making it a great skill for mobility purposes. However as of the June 2015 Specializations update, swiftness no longer affects movement skills making Rush feel rather sluggish when used out of combat and with swiftness. The reason for it feeling this way is due to the fact that running with swiftness is a 33 movement speed increase, whereas using Rush is approximately a 50 movement speed increase. Comparatively, 50 is not that much of an increase over 33, so it can seem less consistent because when a player is engaged in combat they will have half the movement speed as they normally would out of it, but Rush will always move the same distance regardless. As a result, it may appear as if this skill seems like it moves faster when in combat when it in fact does not. In combat it can be used for a large spike of damage due to its very high damage coefficient, or in certain situations for kiting mobs. Unlike all other skills on the greatsword, Rush is the only one that does not cleave and is only a DPS increase for single targets. Arcing Slice is the greatsword8217s burst skill which is one of the essential skills a warrior will use in PvE as it provides fury and helps maintain adrenaline-specific fxes such as the 20 damage from Berserker8217s Power. Unlike some other burst skills, the damage of arcing slice is not increased depending on the level of adrenaline accumulated prior to casting but rather the duration of fury provided by it is. Arcing Slice cleaves for high damage and deals significantly higher damage to foes below half health. Axe Main Hand The main hand axe is another incredibly strong and defining weapon that a warrior can use that is an important component of many PvE builds. 1 8211 Autoattack Chain The autoattack chain of axe mainhand is the sole reason why it is such a valuable weapon to a warrior8217s arsenal, as the attacks are fast and the highest DPS out of all of the warriors autoattack chains. The autoattack chain is divided into three parts Chop, Double Chop, and Triple Chop. The Triple Chop is backloaded and is both the strong and weak point of the axe mainhand, as the final hit of it deals roughly twice the damage of all of the previous chops. Because of this, it is important to avoid interrupting an axe autoattack chain as it is a fairly relevant DPS loss to lose out on the final hit of Triple Chop. One very uncommonly known trick to this autoattack chain is that the second hit of Double Chop can be interrupted with a weapon stow, allowing the possibility of beginning Triple Chop a fraction of a second quicker. This weapon stowing trick results in a DPS increase, though it requires a lot more user input and precise timing for very little benefit. Cyclone Axe will cause the warrior to swing its axes around, hitting each enemy within a nearby range of 130 twice and applying 4 stacks of vulnerability. This skill is one of the warriors many sources of vulnerability though it is important to note that it should never be casted to interrupt an autoattack chain as interrupting Triple Chop with it would be a DPS loss. Using Throw Axe in melee range is a DPS loss, so a warrior should normally only use it when running in to engage an enemy or when applying cripple is desirable (for example, kiting). Due to its very quick cast time and long range, it can be helpful for when pullingaggroing an enemy is desirable, however due to the fact that it applies cripple it should only be used for this purpose when no other methods are available. Eviscerate is the most powerful single-target damaging melee weapon skill available to the warrior if used at full adrenaline, only matched by a Final Thrust (used on an enemy below half health). The only skill on any weapon that surpasses its damage is Kill Shot, which will be mentioned further down in the guide. It is one of the warrior8217s iconic weapon skills and part of what makes the axe main hand one of the warrior8217s most useful weapons in PvE. Axe Off Hand Axe off hand is unfortunately much less useful and very niche for the warrior, as its skills are both underwhelming in damage and utility. Dual Strike is one of few weapon skills available that provides the warrior with fury, however it is rarely needed due to the fact that warrior already has easy access to high (and in many cases permanent) fury uptime. Despite the fact that it deals a decent amount of damage itself, it does not justify casting over an autoattack chain on axe main hand unless for some reason there is a downtime in fury. Whirling Axe is an attack that often fools newer warrior players into thinking it is much better than it actually is, due to the fact that it hits 15 times over the course of 3.5 seconds and ends with a high number. Despite the aesthetically-pleasing final number displayed, it is important to remember that this display is a result of all 15 hits, which is why newer players often get confused as many will forget that each time the number changes it is cumulative rather than reflecting the individual damage of each strike. In the end, Whirling Axe is actually a DPS loss over autoattacking with axe mainhand is which is a disappointment but an undeniable truth. Despite this fact, it is the only axe skill for both main hand and off hand that has a maximum number of targets cleave of 5 as opposed to the usual 3, meaning it can be used to tag slightly more mobs than usual. Additionally due to the quick succession of individual hits during the channel, it can be used to fill a bar of adrenaline very quickly. Mace Main Hand Mace main hand is, unfortunately for mace lovers, extremely awful DPS and a very niche weapon that will rarely be used in PvE. It is only used in rare circumstances when an extra block on a very short cooldown is needed or even rarer circumstances when for whatever reason defiance stripping is needed from a warrior in groups (this is typically not the role of the warrior, so it hardly ever happens). 1 8211 Autoattack Chain The mace main hand has one of our weakest autoattack chains out of all of our weapons and is the main reason why axe is always preferable 8211 the DPS is just too low on mace. This autoattack chain is broken into three parts Mace Smash, Mace Bash, and Pulverize. Mace Smash and Mace Bash behave identically in terms of damage, number of targets, and cast time, however Pulverize has a slightly longer cast time and deals roughly twice the damage and applies 5 seconds of weakness. As a result, this autoattack chain is much more defensive than warrior8217s other main hand options are and because of that, it is less attractive of a choice concerning PvE. Counterblow is the defining skill of mace main hand and the sole reason it is typically ever found to be useful in PvE, as it provides our shortest cooldown block out of all weapons. The damage dealt by Counterblow is fairly decent, making it a slightly more attractive skill, but will only hit if blocking an attack in melee range (130). Because of the very short block duration, using this skill to pre-emptively block an attack is trickier than sword off hand8217s Riposte or shield off hand8217s Shield Stance and will require understanding of an encounter8217s mechanics to reactively use. In addition to the block and damage, Counterblow also helps with adrenaline accumulation and will provide 3 adrenaline after blocking an attack and 6 adrenaline if no attacks are blocked by the time the skill is finished channeling. Pommel Bash deals very negligible damage and the stun is fairly useless for interrupting in PvE, though due to the fact that it applies a stun it can be used to strip defiance stacks on any champion or legendary enemy, leaving the opportunity to interrupt or stun a boss with more meaningful crowd control skills. Skull Crack is the burst skill of mace mainhand. It is extremely uncommon for it to be used at all in PvE, but like Pommel Bash it can be used to strip defiance. Instead of having increased damage based off of adrenaline level, it applies a stun that has increased duration depending on adrenaline level. Therefore, due to the fact that its only real purpose in PvE is to strip defiance, it is pointless to wait until using at full adrenaline as it counts a single stun regardless, meaning no matter what it will only remove one stack. Mace Off Hand Mace main hand is an extremely strong offensive-buffing off hand with both good damage and utility and is our primary off hand weapon of choice when nothing but offense is of concern to us in a fight. Crushing Blow is a hard-hitting attack that applies 10 stacks of vulnerability on a short 15 second cooldown with a cleave of up to 3 targets, making it one of the most essential and best selling points of a warrior8217s capacity for vulnerability contribution to group fights. It is the primary reason for mace considered as the best off hand as far as offensive utility and damage is concerned, because it is a DPS increase for both solo and group scenarios and is an important part of all warrior rotations involving mace off hand. Tremor is a very useful and strong skill which combines good damage and control. Using it in melee range will mean the target gets hit by the melee swing of the mace and a second time by the shock wave, causing them to take twice the damage. Due to the fact that it has a knockdown and a hits up to a maximum of 6 targets, it is extremely helpful for controlling and interrupting multiple enemies and can be used to strip defiance stacks on champion or legendary enemies. Sword Main Hand The sword mainhand is useful in many different situations including mobility in and out of combat, for impairing movement of enemies, and for condition-focused builds. 1 8211 Autoattack Chain The sword main hand8217s autoattack chain is iconic for the condition damage builds of the warrior but is not used in builds focused on maximising direct damage, as the raw damage is significantly lower and less efficient than axe main hand8217s. This autoattack chain is broken up into three parts Sever Artery, Gash, and Hamstring. Sever Artery and Gash both deal an identical amount of direct damage and each apply 1 stack of bleed that lasts for 10.5 seconds on a cleave of 3 targets, making it very strong for condition damage builds that focus on maximising the amount of stacks of bleeding on enemies. The third attack of the chain, Hamstring, applies a very short cripple as opposed to a bleed which is fairly useless in PvE and is only helpful in PvP or WvW where players move around during combat much more. As mobs most of the time only move reactively to the player they are aggressive towards, this 1 second cripple is nothing of importance in PvE. Savage Leap is one of the most valuable skills out of all weapons to the warrior because of the incredible out of combat mobility it provides. Not only can this be used to jump across cliffs and uneven terrain, but it is a 600 range leap skill on a short cast time with a mere 8 second cooldown, making it ideal for traveling from place to place in any mapzone. All warriors should swap to sword mainhand when out of combat just to travel around quicker regardless of build specifically because of Savage Leap. An important fact about Savage Leap that must be understood is that its animation has 2 parts 8212 the leap and the finish. The finishing portion of the animation can be interrupted mid-leap by simply pressing whatever key is bound to weapon swap, resulting in the leap traveling a slightly further distance. This can be abused to leap further than mentioned in the tool tip, which is particularly useful for reaching locations that would otherwise not be possible with a normal leap. Canceling the finishing portion of this animation also means that it is possible to use this leap without attacking nearby enemies, making it possible to stay out of combat. As far as combat is concerned, Savage Leap deals a relatively low amount of damage compared to most of warrior8217s other options and the 3 second cripple is uncommonly useful in PvE. Final Thrust is one of the warrior8217s most powerful skills if used against an enemy below 50 health, with a damage coefficient equal to that of an Eviscerate used at level 3 adrenaline The catch is, unlike Eviscerate, Final Thrust cleaves and can hit up to 3 targets rather than just 1, making it very powerful. Unfortunately, sword main hand is typically only used for out of combat mobility and for condition damage builds when in combat, so this skill will for the most part be unavailable to a warrior using a build focusing on direct damage. Due to the fact that Final Thrust is a skill that purely inflicts direct damage, it is generally less of a DPS increase for a condition damage build as opposed to autoattacking is because maintaining bleeding is more important. With No Adrenaline: With Full Adrenaline: Flurry is the burst skill of sword main hand and does multiple things at once it damages up to 11 times over the course of 2.5 seconds on a 3 target cleave, immobilises for up to 4 seconds, and applies 1 stack of bleeding for every hit of the channel that all last for 2.75 seconds each. The amount of attacks, and ultimately stacks of bleeding applied and total damage along with duration of immobilisation of the enemies in question, depends on the level of adrenaline the warrior has prior to casting the skill. Flurry is generally never used for the damage, but can be extremely helpful in niche situations in which immobilising an enemy or multiple enemies is greatly needed or desirable. A perfect example of this would be the Legendary Shoggroth boss in the first path of the Ruined City of Arah, where immobilising it as it attempts to retreat into its hole can allow the team to kill it before it gets the chance to burrow underground. Sword Off Hand Sword off hand is one of warrior8217s most useful off hands as it has high single-target damage along with a reliable block on a low cooldown, making it a great combination of both an offensive and defensive offhand especially great for solo encounters where more defensive utility is needed than just dodging in order to survive. Additionally, it is the off hand weapon of choice for optimising DPS in a condition damage build. The fourth skill of sword, or rather the first skill of sword off hand is broken into two parts Impale and Rip. Impale is a projectile attack that deals a very small amount of base direct damage but applies a unique condition on the target it hits called 8220Impaled8221 that is not removable and lasts for 4 seconds in duration. If the Impale projectile hits a target, it will apply up to 5 stacks of torment for 8 seconds in duration, pulsing on intervals of 1 second each. The torment deals twice the damage overall to targets that are moving, so it is very ideal for bosses that move around a lot. This skill is essential for condition builds, as the increased condition duration and condition damage that they have increases the damage inflicted by Impale by a lot The second part of this skill is Rip, which can only be casted on a target that is currently affected by the 8220Impaled8221 condition, which is only applied by hitting a target with Impale. As the unique 8220Impaled8221 condition lasts for a total of 4 seconds, Rip can only be used within a short time frame after an enemy becomes Impaled. Because the damage coefficient of Rip is quite high, it is often desirable for warriors using builds that focus on direct damage to use this skill specifically for the high damage. Rip deals slightly higher damage than that of the last hit of axe main hand8217s Triple Chop, so it is not a skill to be ignored It is important to note that while Rip is the primary reason for most warriors using this skill, damage is maximised with Impale amp Rip by waiting until the very last instant before casting Rip as it will ensure that more torment damage is dealt. Additionally, condition damage builds will not be using Rip at all because they are only concerned with the torment that Impale applies, and casting it in that circumstance would be a DPS loss. Riposte is the reason for sword off hand being so powerful as far as defensive utility is concerned as it provides a helpful and reliable block on only a 15 second cooldown. This block duration (2.25 seconds) is almost equal to that of shield off hand8217s Shield Stance (3 seconds), but is only half the cooldown The one disadvantage of Riposte when compared to Shield Stance is that its channel will end if blocking attacks within 130 range, meaning that in order to block projectiles without ending the channel earlier than intended, a warrior must make use of positioning to ensure all attacks are out of range so that the counter attack does not occur. If however the counter attack occurs, it deals a low amount of direct damage and more importantly applies 4 stacks of bleeding on a very long duration of 16 seconds. This can be very helpful for condition damage builds, as they can use Riposte purely for a DPS increase whenever it is off cooldown instead of wasting a dodge. One fact that is uncommonly known about Riposte is that there is a very brief instant at the start of the animation where it is not blocking (a small fraction of a second). This means that if casted immediately after a dodge roll for example, it may still be possible to take a small tick of damage depending on the timing of the block and the intervals in time of which the attacks being blocked are executed. This small bit of information is extremely helpful in order to understand that when trying to chain block attacks between Riposte and Shield Stance (in order to skip trash mobs while remaining out of combat), it is always best to begin with Riposte before Shield Stance for 100 block duration uptime for the full 5 8211 5.25 seconds whereas beginning with Shield stance and swapping to Riposte will result in a very narrow window of opportunity to take damage and get stuck in combat. The warhorn is one of the warrior8217s most frequently used off hands overall as it is a major source of swiftness, a blast finisher, and can cleanse movement-impairing conditions for nearby allies. Charge is a skill used to provide swiftness to both the caster and surrounding allies but additionally can cleanse cripple, chill, and immobilise making it an extremely useful skill for both in and out of combat mobility. It should be one of the most frequently casted weapon skills when traveling in any map, as it is important to maintain high swiftness uptime. Call to Arms is another major reason for the warhorn being as useful as it is with multiple different uses it applies 10 seconds of vigor for nearby allies, it is a blast finisher for combo fields, and applies 6 seconds of weakness to nearby enemies. This skill is both extremely useful for contributing to secondary effects applied from combo fields, while at the same time if used in combat can serve as a useful tool for defensive utility that can help with positioning and taking less damage. It is important to understand that weakness applied to any enemy will in fact put the user in combat, so blasting with Call to Arms can easily get a warrior stuck in combat by aggroing enemies unintentionally. It is for that reason that before blasting in a combo field, it is recommended to check the surrounding area as a preventative measure of caution. Shield is our most defensive weapon available that despite what most people think, is one of warrior8217s most useful tools It can speed things up by ensuring that a warrior is able to remain out of combat when running past trash mobs and therefore traveling quickly throughout an area. It has access to our longest-lasting and most reliable block and is in my opinion a necessity to have for all warriors It is important to note is that despite how much I have hyped up the shield, it is a very lackluster weapon to use in combat, but an incredibly useful tool for remaining out of combat. Shield Bash has unfortunately a fairly long cooldown, but stuns for a brief 1 second and moves the user roughly half of the units of a Savage Leap. While this is a skill that will be of little to no use ever in combat, it provides a very small movement speed increase when used out of combat for mobility. However, if the warrior is under the effects of swiftness and not in combat, using Shield Bash for mobility is very barely a movement speed increase comparatively to just autorunning. The times in which it is a decent movement speed increase are only: a) Out of combat with no swiftness b) In combat, with or without swiftness Shield Stance is the primary reason for this guide suggesting warriors to keep a shield at hand. This block is awesome despite its long cooldown, as it lasts for a full 3 seconds and will block any and all skills on this game with the exception of specific skills that have unblockable skill effects (e. g. Malrona8217s Venom Blast attack, Mai Trin8217s Pistol Spin attack, etc). As stated in the description of Riposte, Shield Stance can be used for a block combination that lasts over 5 seconds in duration, making it a very powerful weapon for running past hordes of mobs and staying out of combat. As channeled skills will continue to channel when replacing the weapon with another one, it is possible to continue channeling Shield Stance even when Shield is no longer equipped. Swapping weapons by using the ingame keybind function for it, however, will disrupt any channel. Longbow one of two ranged weapons available to the warrior, and between the two of them is the stronger choice and only one of the two with actual use in PvE. It comes with a blast finisher and a fire field, allowing you to use both skills to blast might. It is a weapon that is essential for condition damage builds as it is the warrior8217s main source of burning, which is the most damaging condition in the game. While longbow itself has very inefficient DPS comparatively to that of its melee weapon counterparts, it is comparatively higher DPS than that of rifle and offers superior utility including an immobilise, a fire field, a blast finisher, and a skill that blinds. The autoattack of longbow, referred to as Dual Shot, is our longest-distance attack out of all of our weapons with a base range of 1200 like rifle8217s. However, due to the fact that the projectiles arch they can sometimes reach targets that otherwise would not be possible to hit with rifle8217s autoattack which fire in a straight line and can be obstructed by terrain. Additionally, Dual Shot is almost twice the DPS of rifle8217s Fierce Shot autoattack, which is uncommonly acknowledged by warriors comparing between the two weapons in terms of DPS. Actual math behind this statement: Longbow8217s Dual Shot autoattack fires two projectiles each hitting 730 base damage, resulting in 1460 base damage per attack and takes approximately 1.19 seconds to execute including the aftercast. Rifle8217s Firce Shot autoattack fires one projectile that hits 632 base damage and takes approximately 0.96 seconds to execute including the aftercast. In a hypothetical scenario with no critical hits included against a target dummy with no attributes, a warrior firing nothing but longbow autoattacks over the course of 60 seconds would be capable of executing 50 attacks (60 1.19), resulting in exactly 73,000 base damage. In a hypothetical scenario with no critical hits included against a target dummy with no attributes, a warrior firing nothing but rifle autoattacks over the course of 60 seconds would be capable of executing 62 attacks (60 0.96), resulting in exactly 39,184 base damage. Only comparing the autoattacks between longbow and rifle, rifle deals approximately half of the DPS of longbow (about 53.6 of it). Fan of Fire is a low cooldown skill with an extremely short cast time of 0.25s that deals a fairly decent amount of damage if used directly in the hitbox of an enemy as it will ensure that all 3 arrows hit. The burning while helpful only lasts for 2 seconds, so it is at most an additional burst of extra burning damage for warriors running condition damage builds. Arcing Arrow is one of the selling points of longbow, as it deals a hefty amount of AoE damage on a short cooldown that can hit up to 5 targets within 240 range of the impact and also serves as a blast finisher. It is strongly recommended for all warriors in groups to contribute to combo field blasting when groups want to blast combo fields (e. g. swiftness in static fields, might in fire fields, stealth in smoke fields, etc.), as when out of combat it is always ideal to make use of whatever tools are available to maximise our class8217s capabilities to their fullest just as it is in combat. 4 8211 Smoldering Arrow Smoldering Arrow deals very low damage but can blind up to 5 targets within 180 range of the arrow8217s impact, which can be helpful against tightly grouped packs of enemies. Additionally, due to the very short cast time of 0.25 seconds, it can be used to reactively mitigate incoming damage in place of a dodge. Pin Down is another helpful skill for impairing the movement of an enemy as it will immobilise for 3 seconds on a fairly short cast time of 0.75 seconds. Due to the fact that it applies 6 stacks of bleeding for a very long duration of 16 seconds it is a skill that warriors using condition damage builds should be using immediately whenever it is available, as it is a DPS increase. It is worth noting that if immobilising an enemy at the start of an encounter would be desirable, a warrior can pre-cast Pin Down and quickly swap to greatsword or any other desirable weapon(s) before the projectile hits the target, as it is always possible to swap out weapons while out of combat. F1 8211 Combustive Shot With No Adrenaline: With Full Adrenaline: Another selling point of the longbow, Combustive Shot is the only fire field available to the warrior and the burst skill of the longbow. It can be used for the purposes of direct damage, maintaining burning stacks on enemies, providing AoE might by using blast finishers in the field, and triggering synergistic trait fxes (i. e. Building Momentum, Berserker8217s Power, etc). The duration of Combustive Shot along with the total damage it inflicts is determined by the level of adrenaline the warrior has at the time of casting. Each level of adrenaline will increase Combustive Shot8217s duration by 3 seconds with 9 seconds being the maximum at level 3 adrenaline, and the fire field will tick twice as many times for damage at full adrenaline compared to if at level 1 adrenaline. Contrary to the duration of the fire field increasing based off of adrenaline, the duration of burning stacks applied by Combustive Shot does not increase from 5 seconds. Rifle is the other option for ranged combat available to the warrior, but sadly due to its vastly inferior DPS and lack of utility it has essentially no place in PvE whatsoever. The autoattack of the rifle, Fierce Shot, is the primary reason for rifle being such an awful choice in PvE. The DPS is extremely low and pales in comparison to longbow8217s Dual Shot autoattack, despite even that being a low damage autoattack comparatively to its melee counterparts. Additionally, Fierce Shot does not have greater range than Dual Shot and its only advantage is that when traited with Crack Shot, it can pierce through multiple targets. However, one important thing to note is that each Fierce Shot when used against a target that is afflicted with the vulnerability condition will grant fx adrenaline, making it easier to build arenaline for Kill Shot, which has a very high damage coefficient. This is especially helpful as Brutal Shot, the rifle8217s 4th skill, is capable of maintaining nearly 100 vulnerability uptime when traited with Crack Shot. As mentioned under Dual Shot8217s description above, rifle8217s autoattack is roughly half the DPS of longbow8217s. Actual math behind this statement: Longbow8217s Dual Shot autoattack fires two projectiles each hitting 730 base damage, resulting in 1460 base damage per attack and takes approximately 1.19 seconds to execute including the aftercast. Rifle8217s Firce Shot autoattack fires one projectile that hits 632 base damage and takes approximately 0.96 seconds to execute including the aftercast. In a hypothetical scenario with no critical hits included against a target dummy with no attributes, a warrior firing nothing but longbow autoattacks over the course of 60 seconds would be capable of executing 50 attacks (60 1.19), resulting in exactly 73,000 base damage. In a hypothetical scenario with no critical hits included against a target dummy with no attributes, a warrior firing nothing but rifle autoattacks over the course of 60 seconds would be capable of executing 62 attacks (60 0.96), resulting in exactly 39,184 base damage. Only comparing the autoattacks between longbow and rifle, rifle deals approximately half of the DPS of longbow (about 53.6 of it). Aimed Shot can be used to keep an enemy crippled for 5 seconds, which can be used for maintaining distance, but it is very low damage. Volley is the one actually good attack of the rifle that provides decent burst damage. Volley uses 5 shots in quick succession over a 2.5 second interval on a fairly short cooldown, making it an ideal skill to cast and accumulate adrenaline. One of two skills worth casting on the rifle, Brutal Shot applies 8 stacks of vulnerability that last for a long duration of 12 seconds, meaning that a warrior traited for Crack Shot is able to reduce the cooldown from 15 to 12 seconds and maintain at minimum, 8 stacks of vulnerability at all times. Rifle Butt is a knockback that cleaves within short range and can be used to help with positioning, as it can be combined with Aimed Shot to help ensure distance between the user and enemy is maintained. Kill Shot is the burst skill of the rifle that technically deals the highest damage out of all attacks on the warrior at full adrenaline, but due to the fact that it roots the warrior in place and has a long cast time of 1.25 seconds along with being on one of the worst weapons available to the warrior, it is hardly useful. Comparatively, it hits an equivalent amount of base damage at level 2 adrenaline to that of an Eviscerate at level 3 adrenaline. Hammer is a weapon primarily used in PvP and WvW, where hard crowd control abilities are more useful in combat. In PvE, hammer deals significantly lower DPS than other melee options and has little to no use. Hammer8217s autoattack is slow and average-hitting, resulting in a combined very low DPS. The one unique feature to it compared to other autoattacks that the warrior has access to is that the third hit of the chain has a maximum number of targets of 5, contrary to the usual maximum cleave of 3. The autoattack sequence is broken into 3 parts Hammer Swing, Hammer Bash, and Hammer Smash. Hammer Swing and Hammer Bash are identical in damage and cast time, but Hammer Smash deals slightly more damage and hits 5 targets instead of 3, making this autoattack chain slightly backloaded in damage despite already having very low DPS. Fierce Blow is a skill that deals a medium amount of damage but applies 8 seconds of weakness on a very short cooldown, making hammer one of the only weapons capable of very high weakness uptime. Mace8217s Pulverize skill along with warhorn8217s Call to Arms combined with hammer8217s Fierce Blow make warrior a class with the easiest access to the weakness condition. However, both mace main hand and hammer are thoroughly discouraged for general use in PvE, as sacrificing such an enormous amount of offense for weakness is a very poor trade off especially considering the vast majority of mobs on this game do not dodge. Hammer Shock is an average-damaging skill with an AoE cripple of up to 5 targets for 8.5 seconds. As stated in the initial weapon description, hammer is great for positioning and both soft and hard crowd control but unfortunately in PvE these things just aren8217t as necessary enough to justify using hammer. 4 8211 Staggering Blow Staggering Blow deals an average amount of damage that can knock back up to 5 targets, meaning that it can be used to strip defiance as well. Backbreaker is a single target skill with a long cast time of 1 second, but it knocks down the target for 2 seconds. This skill can also be used to strip a stack of defiance. Earthshaker is the burst skill of hammer and pretty much the only reason a warrior will generally ever equip a hammer in PvE due to its ability to leap when out of combat. Unlike Savage Leap, however, it requires at least 1 bar of adrenaline to be full in order to execute, making it require either the use of the heal 8220To The Limit8221 or the utility skill Signet of Fury to activate when out of combat. Earthshaker applies a daze that can last up to 2 seconds at most with full adrenaline, as the stun duration increases depending on adrenaline level. The damage, however, does not. As hammer itself is a low DPS weapon, Earthshaker is a skill rarely used in combat but it is worth mentioning that as a stun it is capable of stripping a stack of defiance and it is also a blast finisher capable of contributing to combo fields. Consumables amp Inventory Food and Nourishment For casual runs a common choice is a Slice of Candied Dragon Roll. These are cheaper than than the Omnomberry Pie but still provide the same boost in precision and lifesteal effect. At level 80 the lifesteal will damage the opponent and heal you for 325 base on a 1 second internal cooldown. If you feel that Candied Dragon Rolls are either too expensive or that you do not need the lifesteal, Plate of Steak and Asparagus is another very cheap option, however this one provides 80 power instead of lifesteal. I will go into more details about food options in the builds section below For utility nourishment youll want to use the dungeons appropriate Powerful Slaying Potion. These can be bought cheaply off the trading post, bought with dungeon tokens or dropped from chests inside the dungeon. Unfortunately since youll need several different types of potions for different dungeons, these can take up a bit of inventory space. If you are in a dungeon which doesnt have an easily accessible slaying potion (e. g Ascalonian Catacombs) or one which changes a lot you can use either Skale Venom or a Sharpening Stone . For more serious runs or timed runs where you are pushing for the best time possible, youll want to either use a Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup. Bowl of Curry Butternut Squash or a Plate of Truffle Steak. This may vary depending on your group, class and build, however if you are going for a timed speedrun then you will generally have an idea which food would be the most optimal to run in that scenario. The Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup is technically optimal in any circumstance with which the enemy in question can be critically hit and when the warrior already has maxed precision (having fury, Banner of Discipline and having pre-casted signets with the Signet Mastery trait equipped often results in maxing out critical chance depending on the level of the map). Slaying Potions Ascalonian Catacombs 8211 Powerful Potion of Ghost Slaying for ghosts, sharpening stones would be ideal for everything else. Caudecus Manor 8211 Powerful Potion of Outlaw Slaying Twilight Arbor 8211 Powerful Potion of Scarlet Slaying for all TA up, forward, and aetherpath. Scarlet Slaying potions count towards nightmare court. Sorrows Embrace 8211 Powerful Potion of Inquest Slaying for Path 1, Powerful Potion of Dredge Slaying for Path 23 Citadel of Flame 8211 Powerful Potion of Flame Legion Slaying Crucible of Eternity 8211 Powerful Potion of Inquest Slaying, however Alpha counts as Undead, Bjarl counts as Icebrood and the Evolved Destroyer counts as Destroyer The Ruined City of Arah 8211 Powerful Potion of Undead Slaying. Both Belka and Brie count as undead. Legendary Shoggroth in path 1 and the Legendary Jotun Skygazer, however, are elemental and ghost respectively. Fractals of the Mists 8211 varies with fractal so its easiest to stick with Skale Venom or sharpening stones, however enemy types can be referenced here Extra Consumables None of the consumables mentioned here are necessary to complete any content efficiently or quickly but any class can benefit from them. The items mentioned are not every consumable you may see somebody use, just the most common ones. Harpy Feathers 8211 A 3 second Stealth on a 6 second cooldown. Can be chained with other stealth consumables to achieve long durations of stealth. However it applies blind to enemies in a small radius around you, which will put you in combat, so try to use them without hitting any mobs. Order of Whispers Spy Kit 8211 A 3 second Stealth on a 60 second cooldown. Can be chained with Harpy Feathers (Feathers - gt Spy Kit - gt Feathers) to get 9 seconds of stealth. Ash Legion Spy Kit 8211 Applies camouflage for 10 seconds on a 60 second cooldown. Camouflage is stealth, however moving will break the stealth, and does not trigger on stealth traits. Useful for dropping aggro or standing on pressure plates. Fire Elemental Powder 8211 Summons an Ember to fight for you for 5 minutes or until it dies. Offers a small DPS boost and fire fields, however it also has other uses such as catching the phase 1 - gt 2 transition Grub at Giganticus Lupicus. Ogre Pet Whistle 8211 Summons an Ogre Pet to fight for you for 5 minutes or until it dies. Offers a small DPS boost, however it also has other uses such as catching the phase 1 - gt2 transition Grub at Giganticus Lupicus. Using this item when knocked down will also act as a stun break. Deployable Mortar Turret 8211 Drops a stationary mortar turret that fires every 4-5 seconds at nearby enemies, dealing for moderately low damage (around 1000 or so on a level 80 map). Golem in a Box 8211 Send out a long range golem to nuke your target. Useful for pulling mobs or killing your team on bosses that have reflects (Belka, Archdiviner) Pot of Hylek Poison 8211 Has 2 spells, one which gives you 10 seconds of swiftness on a 15 second cooldown, and another which will destroy the pot but place a poisonous cloud in an Area of Effect. Useful for classesbuilds with little or no access to swiftness. Medical Pack 8211 Has 2 skills, Drop Bandages and Drop Stimulant. Useful for classesbuilds with little or no access to swiftness or fury. Drop Bandages is currently bugged and will heal indefinitely for any number of players for as long as the bandages remain on the floor (they are intended to disappear after they are used once, but they now will last for the full 30 second duration on the floor). This means that one can side strafe into the bandages indefinitely and heal 1k hp every couple of seconds. Underwater Net 8211 Applies 3 seconds of immobilize on a 20 second cooldown. This consumable is very useful for bosses like Legendary Shoggroth in Arah path 1. Power Matrix 8211 Applies an AoE daze. Useful for large groups of trash mobs such as in Fractals. Rock 8211 This rock bundle can be used to spam single target rock projectiles that will cause a knockdown and low damage on each use. They have no cooldown and are efficient for stripping defiance stacks Plank 8211 Gives a plank weapon that provides knockdowns, knockbacks, and launches. 50 chance of the plank bundle breaking after each skill use. For the full list of consumables, visit the Useful amp Fun Consumables Guide here on dulfy What You Should Have A Berserkers Axe, Mace, Sword, Warhorn, Longbow and Greatsword, each with the most appropriate sigil for the dungeons you most run (e. g Night, Force or Undead Slaying), as well as your Food of Choice, Sharpening Stones and maybe Slaying Potions for your most commonly ran dungeons. A Little Bit More Adventurous A Berserkers Axe, Mace, Sword, Warhorn, Longbow, Shield and Greatsword, each with the most appropriate sigil for the dungeons you most run (e. g Night, Force or Undead Slaying), as well as your Food of Choice, Sharpening Stones and Slaying Potions for all of the Dungeons. 2 Axes and 2 Greatswords, each with different sigils for your 2 most commonly ran type of dungeon (e. g 1 Axe with Night and 1 Axe with Undead Slaying). A Mace, Sword, Warhorn, Rifle, Shield, Hammer and Longbow as well as Slaying Potions for Every Dungeon, Sharpening Stones and several types of food for different scenarios. May also have a few of the most common consumables such as Harpy feathers, Ash Legion Spy Kit and Skale Venom. 3 Axes and 3 Greatswords, 1 with Undead Slaying, 1 With Night and 1 with Force. A Mace, Sword, Warhorn, Rifle, Shield, Hammer and Longbow as well as Slaying Potions for Every Dungeon, Sharpening Stone, several types of food for different scenarios and as many other consumables as your heart desires and your inventory can hold. Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. Adrenaline fuels their offensive powerthe longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become. 8211 Guildwars2 Whilst different parts of the official warrior launch statement are true for different aspects of the game, the only part that really rings much truth in PvE is Adrenaline fuels their offensive power. In PvE toughness and vitality are redundant stats because the best defense comes from dodging, knowledge of encounters, and team support such as aegis, blinds, reflects and other methods of damage mitigation such as the combination of weakness on enemies along with the protection boon, positioning, etc. All of the builds I am about to explain will full berserker (PowerPrecisionFerocity) gear. The reason for that is that warriors have some of the easiest access to maintaining high precision, which is why the primary attribute should most certainly be power. Precision and ferocity are both complimentary for builds focusing on direct damage, making Berserker the obvious best choice. If you are not confident in your ability to run full berserker gear at first without being a large detriment to your dungeon group, feel free to start out with tankier attributes as training wheels and work your way up to where you want to be. However, it will inevitably cost more to have to replace the gear as you experience yourself with the game so it is entirely up to you whether or not to go full glass. The utilities that a warrior will use will be more affected by the group composition rather than the build. Although you will see the following utilities used in most of the builds listed, remember that the builds listed are just templates and you are free to swap them out provided you feel the need for something else. For the most part, the primary utilities a warrior should find themselves using the most during fights will often times be any combination of the following: 8220For Great Justice8221 This is a utility that was rendered obsolete for most group runs and solos due to the specializations update on June 23rd, 2015 where the trait Berserker8217s Power was changed. Formerly, warriors were meant to maintain full adrenaline at all times to maintain their damage modifier from the trait so that meant their only personal sources of fury were from the shout 8220For Great Justice8221 and the two elites Signet of Rage and Battle Standard. Nowadays, warriors are able to maintain 100 fury uptime by readily using Arcing Slice in their rotations to maintain Berserker8217s Power. Because of this, this shout is no longer as useful as it once was. However, in situations which banners are impractical to use, this shout is always an option for a quick 3 might that lasts a very long time along with 8 seconds of fury for the party. Signet of Might is our power signet that has for the most part replaced the shout 8220For Great Justice8221 for solos, as we are already maintaining fury with Arcing Slice and are free to take the utility that provides more power. It is worth noting that in this screenshot you can see the blue text that indicates activating it will give an additional 100 precision. This is because of the synergy with the trait Signet Mastery which gives us a stack of 8220Signet Precision.8221 Each stack of Signet Precision gives 100 precision for a minute after activating a signet (maximum of 5 stacks). What this means is that a warrior is potentially able to pre-activate up to 5 signets before an encounter and begin with an additional 500 precision This is partly why it was mentioned earlier that warriors have such incredibly easy access to high critical chance, as these signets are not only providing passive damage attribute increases for us 8212 they provide additional precision on activation as well (this is of course assuming that the Signet Mastery trait is equipped). Additonally, activating Signet of Might will provide the warrior with a unique effect called 8220Unblockable8221 which as evident based off of its name, will make every attack unblockable throughout the duration of the effect. Signet of Fury is the precision alternative to Signet of Might and becomes significantly more useful the lower level the map is, due to the downscaling of attributes for downscaled characters. A level 80 character will find that in lower level dungeons their critical chance is significantly lower, so at some point it becomes an inevitable necessity to take Signet of Fury along with anything else possible (within reason) to increase precision. Activating Signet of Fury also will completely fill a warrior8217s adrenaline bar, making it extremely useful for beginning an encounter with a burst skill at full adrenaline. Due to Signet of Fury8217s cast time being faster than the healing skill 8220To The Limit8221 along with not having the very irritating aftercast, it makes it a very desirable skill to cast at the start of a fight. As seen in the image above, Signet of Fury also has synergy with the trait Signet Mastery for an additional 100 precision on activation (maximum of 5 stacks). Banner of Discipline Banner of Discipline is an essential utility for maximising output in both solo settings and groups. In addition to providing nearly the same precision as Signet of Fury, it provides ferocity as well and is partywide for up to a maximum of 5 people This makes Banner of Discipline one of the most significant team buffing tools out of all skills in the game as it will greatly increase the critical chance and damage of you and your allies. Note that currently there is a 8220bug8221 or overlookedforgotten problem with banners as of the June 23, 2015 patch with specializations 8212 ArenaNet for whatever reason did not include the trait 8220Inspiring Banners,8221 which reduced the recharge of banners by 25 (from 120 seconds to 90 seconds) along with increasing the effective radius from 600 to 900 units. This meant that formerly, it was possible to have roughly 100 banner uptime with banners whereas currently it is no longer possible and until this is addressed it will be up to the warrior and teammates to determine proper banner placement and usage to maximise uptime. Banner of Strength Banner of Strength is also an essential utility for maximising output for groups, but not recommended for solo settings as a lone warrior will benefit more so from taking an additional signet to maximise personal output, whereas in groups the additional partywide power that this banner provides is unmistakably more important than the warrior8217s personal DPS. Banner of Strength provides nearly the same power as Signet of Might but is partywide for up to a maximum of 5 people Paired up with Banner of Discipline, a warrior can provide over a 20 DPS increase for the entire party with just these two banners It is because of these banners and the two traits Empower Allies and Phalanx Strength that warrior is known as the class with the indisputably best offensive support in the game. Note that currently there is a 8220bug8221 or overlookedforgotten problem with banners as of the June 23, 2015 patch with specializations 8212 ArenaNet for whatever reason did not include the trait 8220Inspiring Banners,8221 which reduced the recharge of banners by 25 (from 120 seconds to 90 seconds) along with increasing the effective radius from 600 to 900 units. This meant that formerly, it was possible to have roughly 100 banner uptime with banners whereas currently it is no longer possible and until this is addressed it will be up to the player and teammates to determine proper banner placement and usage to maximise uptime. Phalanx Builds In groups warrior has the potential to maintain extremely high personal damage along with providing incredible offensive support to others through utilities and traits. The group builds that will be recommended here in this guide will be referred to as 8220Phalanx Builds8221 because they make use of an essential trait to partywide offensive buffing called Phalanx Strength: As evident, having this trait equipped converts every stack of might that a warrior generates to a partywide effect rather than just a personal effect. This means that in groups, it is the job of the warrior to ensure that everyone is maintaining as high of might as possible, as they are easily able to generate it based off of the traits Forceful Greatsword and the boon duration food Fried Golden Dumpling: In addition to generating might, warriors using these builds will also be providing the team with an additional 150 power from the trait Empower Allies Do note that this trait pulses on an interval of 3 seconds within 600 range, so like banner effects and Phalanx Strength, allies must be nearby in order to receive the buff. Additionally, Empower Allies is only active if the warrior is in combat 8212 the trait will not take effect otherwise There will be two recommended Phalanx Strength builds in this guide: Knowing when and where to make use of each build is a necessity in order to be an efficient warrior in group settings, along with knowing what traits, utilities and weapons along with the sigils being interchangeable. Regardless of which of the two main builds you decide to use at a given time, take note of the similarities between the two: Both builds use the Tactics specialization along with the traits Empowered, Empower Allies and Phalanx Strength. The trait Empowered is the only relevant DPS increase option available at the adept level, but Empower Allies and Phalanx Strength are key components to the build and are irreplaceable. Both builds use Superior Rune of the Strength x6 along with the food Fried Golden Dumplings as nourishment. Because Phalanx warriors are expected to maintain might for a group, these two assets are necessary in order to reliably achieve the goal of ensuring that all allies are buffed to their fullest potential. Alternative options will be listed near the end of this section. Both builds use the Strength specialization along with the traits Restorative Strength, Forceful Greatsword, and Berserker8217s Power. While Restorative Strength and Berserker8217s Power aren8217t technically needed, they are the most relevant options for personal DPS increase and are part of what make the warrior so powerful as it is capable of maintaining its high damage without sacrificing partywide offensive support. Forceful Greatsword, however, is an essential trait that allows the warrior to generate might to provide with Phalanx Strength. This synergy is crucial to the build and cannot be replaced. Both builds use the same two banners along with Signet of Fury. This is because as mentioned in the utilities section above, these two banners together provide over a 20 DPS increase for the party, making them an important tool to take to all groups. Signet of Fury is the ideal third utility to take because a warrior wants to maintain as high of a critical chance as possible both to maintain personal damage and to ensure that they generate as much might as possible for the team. So when is it best to use the pure greatsword build over the greatsword axemace build The answer to that question is unfortunately not one of which can be explained in one sentence and will require extensive knowledge of the encounters. It is first important to note that both builds are capable of generating the exact same amount of might, so as far as partywide support is concerned, both are great. However, the build that has the most potential is the pure greatsword one and that is because of the trait Furious. which enables the warrior to very easily maintain 100 Berserker8217s Power uptime whereas the greatsword axemace build is not. This means that as far as personal DPS is concerned, the pure greatsword build is the overall superior choice for Phalanx Builds. Despite this fact, there are advantages and disadvantages to both builds that a warrior must understand Pure Greatsword Phalanx Build Advantages Access to the Furious trait, meaning 100 Berserker8217s Power uptime Access to the master level minor trait Rending Strikes for vulnerability application on critical hits Reduced recharge on signets, meaning Signet of Rage will be off cooldown more often Pure Greatsword Phalanx Build Disadvantages No ability to weapon swap, putting the warrior in a very vulnerable situation when more survivability than just dodges is needed to get the job done and also making the rotation feel very clunky in longer fights that involve a lot of moving around. Camping greatsword in general is uncomfortable in any encounter that requires kiting. Lack of access to useful traits to help with condition removal and health regeneration in the Discipline specialization such as Brawler8217s Recovery and Inspiring Battle Standard . Due to being stuck on greatsword, this build for the most part only is able to use Arcing Slice, whereas the greatsword axemace variant is able to swap and use Eviscerate. Not only does Eviscerte deal more damage to single targets than Arcing Slice, but because burst skills have their own individual cooldowns it is possible to cast different burst skills in quick succession after swapping whereas with this build, only Arcing Slice is available for the majority of a fight. Greatsword AxeMace Phalanx Build Advantages Access to the Inspiring Battle Standard trait, which provides pulsing regen to nearby players and thereby giving the warrior the ability to help keep up the health of itself and allies. Access to the master level minor trait Fast Hands. giving the warrior the ability to swap weapons during the fight and thereby not only allowing the warrior to contribute to defiance stripping with tremor, but contributing much more to vulnerability application with mace offhand. Also allows the warrior to in some cases swap out mace for sword offhand with an energy sigil in situations where survivability is jeopardized and more than just the standard 2 dodges is needed to stay alive. Access to the Burst Mastery major grandmaster trait, which not only will increase the damage of burst skills but ensure that after using them the warrior will have more adrenaline and therefore have to accumulate less of it in between burst skill usage. Greatsword AxeMace Phalanx Build Disadvantages The loss of the Furious trait, meaning it is not possible to maintain 100 Berserker8217s Power uptime without having an absolute perfect rotation which is generally unreliable to expect in real settings. This results in an overal personal DPS loss. The lack of Signet Mastery means that pre-casting signets before an encounter will mean that they will be on longer cooldown unless the warrior temporarily swaps to the Arms specialization prior to casting the signets and then back to Discipline right before engaging in combat. This is inconvenient and irritating. Despite the gain of being able to swap to axemace during an encounter, this build variant loses the Rending Strikes trait which the pure greatsword variant has, so the build has to sacrifice some vulnerability application potential in order to gain some. Hopefully this list will make it clear that there are both positives and negatives with both choices. Understanding them will be essential in order for the warrior to know what is best to take in order to fulfill their roles in a group and to handle the encounters they face to the best of their ability. Remember that optimally we would like as much might duration as possible with Phalanx builds in order to optimise our capacity to contribute to offensive buffing in groups. Having Superior Runes of Strength in combination of Fried Golden Dumplings is optimal for both of the Phalanx builds suggested but due to the fact that it is a costly setup I will list some of the alternative options for food choices. Alternatives for food: Unfortunately, we cannot offer any alternative runes other than Hoelbrak due to the fact that the might duration is necessary and because Hoelbrak also costs quite a bit, suggesting it to me feels pointless. As the old saying goes, 8220go big or go home8221 Solo DPS Builds Unlike Phalanx Strength builds, these builds are specifically aimed towards optimising personal DPS in a solo setting but they also can produce extremely high output in group settings as well. Because of this, the Tactics specialization is a poorer choice as it focuses more so on partywide support rather than personal gain. For this guide, two main variants will be suggested for optimising personal DPS in a solo setting: There are a few variations to this build that can be made in order to tailor to a warrior8217s specific needs depending on the encounters they are put in, but regardless of what changes are made there are always a few specific aspects that all good DPS builds will have in common: The Strength, Arms, and Discipline specializations will be equipped Berserker8217s Power will be equipped Furious and Burst Mastery are both important tools needed to maintain 100 Berserker8217s Power uptime, so either one of the two or both will be equipped So when should I use mace the mace offhand variant over the sword offhand one Just like what was mentioned in the section for Phalanx Strength builds, it is up to the warrior to know which is needed and best As far as personal damage is concerned mace offhand provides the best damage due to the long-lasting vulnerability applied from Crushing Blow, which will buff all attacks by 10 for the duration of the vulnerability. However, sometimes situations just aren8217t as easy to get through as others and a warrior might need more than just dodges to survive. In the event that dodging is not enough to get through a fight, sword offhand is a very good hybrid offhand that combines both great single target damage along with defensive utility. Sword offhand offers a block on a short cooldown, which makes it a great candidate for tougher boss encounters. Because of the fact that it is assumed that a warrior will be taking a sword offhand due to an encounter being more dangerous than usual, a Superior Sigil of Energy will likely be the most useful sigil for the sword which will give enough endurance on weapon swap in order to dodge 3 times in a row instead of the usual 2. Additionally, the trait Deep Strike is changed to Blademaster because it will both reduce the cooldown of Impale and Riposte as well so that the warrior is able to block every 12 seconds rather than every 15. To help illustrate an example of the general idea of what can be expected for a warrior8217s rotation in a solo setting, I have recorded a video of a DPS rotation on the indestructable golem in the Heart of the Mists: Please note that as far as memorisation of a repeatable rotation is concerned, there is no appropriate sequence of attacks to remember because of the following things that need to be prioritised: Berserker8217s Power8217s damage modifier of 20 needs to be maintained by readily using burst skills off cooldown at full adrenaline Stick amp Move8217s damage modifier of 10 needs to be maintained by dodging when applicable to ensure that endurance is never full This means that in a real setting you will have to focus on many different things at once to achieve the maximum damage and this includes the attacks from the enemies. For example, if you know that a boss is about to perform a hard hitting attack that knocks you back, you would not want to cast Hundred Blades but something else instead. Despite the fact that what is suggested in the build links for optimal food choice is Plate of Truffle Steak. it is not always optimal. In a level 80 area where the warrior is able to pre-cast signets to gain additional precision before a fight, has Banner of Discipline active along with 100 fury uptime, the absolute optimal food choice in that scenario would be Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup. as it gives 1 hour8217s worth of 100 power and 70 ferocity. However despite the fact that this food can be optimal, it is extremely costly (roughly 1 gold each food use) and because of the fact that the gain of 70 ferocity is so marginally better than alternatives which cost a fraction of it, I do not recommend it. This is also considering the fact that it is only optimal in specific circumstances and not just the cost. In all areas under level 80, it is important to remember that all of our attributes are downscaled which includes critical chance. What this means is that ferocity becomes less and less valuable and precision becomes more and more valuable the lower level the map because we want as high of a critical chance as possible. Power is always valuable despite the level of area. So without further ado, I offer some alternatives for food choice to pick from: Alternative food choices: Additionally, Bowl of Curry Butternut Squash Soup and its cheaper alternatives offer comparative DPS to what is suggested above, but due to the fact that it costs more than truffle steak and is technically worse (by a very small amount), I do not recommend it. For more information about optimizing warrior DPS in a solo setting, visit the guide on the official GW2 forums written by Purple Miku of rT: Solo DPS Guide For Warriors Solo Condition Damage Builds The warrior is capable of maintaining very high DPS in a solo setting with condition damage builds, in particular on heavily armored bosses. If a boss has low armor, however, a direct damage build will far surpass condition damage builds in terms of DPS and even against heavily armored bosses it still does not outperform direct damage builds most of the time. All in all, this build designed as an alternative to those that wish to try a different approach to warrior combat. If it is something that looks appealing to you, then try it out for yourself and see if it is something that you enjoy The longbow suggested is Giver8217s due to the fact that ideally, it is best to get as close to 100 burning duration as possible to maximise the amount of sword camping which will allow for higher bleed uptime and overall DPS. The combined effects of 40 condition duration from the food, 10 from the utility nourishment, 20 from the longbow, and 30 from the two sigils equates to 100 extra burning duration which is the absolute maximum that can be achieved. Alternatives for sigils on the longbow can be Superior Sigil of Doom or Superior Sigil of Battle in place of Superior Sigil of Malice, but due to the fact that in an ideal situation a warrior using this build should only swap to longbow every 20 seconds (when Pin Down is off cooldown), these sigils8217 effects don8217t benefit as well as Malice. To be technically optimal, however, Sigil of Malice can be replaced with Sigil of Corruption though I generally don8217t advise stacking sigils due to the need to pre-emptively build them before a fight and because of how easy it is to lose them. A cheaper and more easily accessible type of rune to use as opposed to Aristocracy would be Runes of the Krait, though it is a fairly large DPS loss and because Aristocracy runes are not purchased with gold and are obtained through Caudecus8217 Manor (or the PvP Reward Track for it), it is highly recommended to stick with them. Alternatives to Sinister stats include both Rabid and Rampager. The three attributes that are best for condition damage builds are Condition Damage, Power, and Precision, which is why Sinister is optimal. The general rotation for this build is quite easy to perform. Begin with activating Signet of Rage. Perform a longbow autoattack to get in combat, then cast 8220To The Limit8221 for full adrenaline. Use Combustive Shot on longbow, drop Banner of Strength into the fire field, and use Arcing Arrow in the field to immediately stack 6 might meanwhile casting 8220For Great Justice8221 instantly after the fire field is laid down. Use Pin Down, Fan of Fire, then swap to the other weapon set (Sword Sword). Immediately use Flurry, then an Impale promptly afterwards. Autoattack repeatedly until full adrenaline, using Impale off cooldown. When full adrenaline, wait until Impale is off cooldown and once it is available, use it and swap to longbow. Remember that what I suggest is what is considered optimal, not necessary to complete content. Provided cost is an issue for you, there are alternatives. You can find a list of all the different utility nourishment options that are relevant here: Tuning Crystals (Utility Nourishment Alternatives) Alternatives for food: Unfortunately, it is a huge drop in efficiency to use any rune type for condition builds in PvE besides Aristocracy due to the fact that the might duration is necessary and because of the fact that cost-wise, Aristocracy is cheapest as it is not tradeable and technically costs no gold. For more information on condition warrior builds, refer to Nike of DnT 8216s Youtube channel, as he extensively tests and theorycrafts for condition damage builds in PvE. This part of the guide is about specific things a warrior can do, and not to explain the encounters, if you are looking for an explanation of the paths, then check out gw2dungeons General Tips amp Tricks Use weapon swap to cancel savage leap before the skill ends. This means you can leap into mobs without hitting them and getting into combat. This is useful for lots of trash skips You can change weapon whilst channeling skills (e. g Rush, Shield Stance) without cancelling the channel Equip a longbow, use Combustive Shot and then quickly swap to hammer and use Earthshaker where the fire field will land. You adrenaline is only consumed when the Combustive shot lands, so you can cast 2 adrenaline skills on one bar of adrenaline. Combine this with Arcing Arrow, Charge, Drop Banner and Plant Banner for a 15 might stack combo. Dropping a banner is a blast finisher, as well as the 5 skill when you pick a banner up. This means there are a potential for 6 blasts from one banner. When you are not in combat, or are preparing to fight, pick up a banner and use the 3rd (and 2nd if it is a discipline banner) skill for Fury (and Swiftness). If there are lots of close together encounters, try to pick up your banner and carry it between them If you run regularly with the same or a similar group often, you can take note of the banner cooldowns and adjust when you drop them to your groups DPS, meaning you can have more banner uptime for more encounters. Ascalonian Catacombs If you dont have an elementalist in your group, you may need to wait with the NPCs to give them swiftness with warhorn 4. If you do have an elementalist in your party, blast their Static Field with warhorn 5 and then run to Spider Queen. Depending on your party composition you may be the one who needs to kill the spiders and pull Spider Queen. Kill any nearby low level Spider Hatchlings with Bladetrail or Throw Axe. When running into aggro range of the further away Spider Hatchlings and when running back to whatever LoS spot your party is using, try to strafe left and right constantly. This will cause most of the projectiles they fire at you to miss, minimising the damage you take. For Spider Queen you can use Tremor (Mace 5) to interrupt her poison AoE, especially now that she does it when in melee range. Try to use normal evades for her basic attacks, and save Whirlwind Attack for when you get immobilised, as you wont be able to use normal evades for her attacks. Alternatively you could take a Warhorn offhand to cleanse the immobilise. Warriors dont have anything special to use at the spike traps, and Defiant Stance will not prevent you from taking damage from them. Here it may be worth swapping out healing signet for Healing Surge so you can quickly heal to full health if you get hit by a trap, allowing you to continue faster and reducing the risk of dying to a second trap. Try to double dodge the Gargoyle heads at the end of the corrider to stay out of combat. If you choose to LoS Kholer then try to get a team mate to pull him, since both Axe 3 and Greatsword 4 Cripple him, meaning he will take longer to walk to your spot. If you must be the one pulling, try to pull him with Sword 4 or Axe 3. For the burrows youll want to swap your Signet of Fury for a Signet of Might. Be sure to select the burrow you are attacking as a target, else the cleave cap may cause you to hit gravelings and not the burrow. After the burrows you can waypoint to Kholers waypoint if you have killed him, if not youll need to run a bit further. Equip greatsword and swordwarhorn and use a rotation of Rush, Whirlwind Attack, Savage Leap and Charge to get to the next event as quickly as possible. Find The Missing Scepter Pieces Typically the warrior will not be the one who collects the scepter pieces. Equipping 8220Shake it Off,8221 Dolyak Signet and Balanced Stance can be useful stunbreaks here as the Gravelings can leap and knock you down. Avoid using Whirlwind Attack in a way which will hit any mobs, as you want to remain out of combat as much as you can for this part. Swapping weapon at the end of your savage leap will cause the leap to do no damage on ending, allowing you to leap into mobs without getting in combat. Picking up the scepter piece has a small animation which you cant dodge out of, so if there are gravelings near the scepter pieces you may want to bait out their leap first before picking the piece up. Upon picking up all 5 scepter pieces continue to run east to the end of the room. Here you will out of combat allowing you to teleport to the waypoint that spawns after this event. Doing this will prevent pulling any mobs to Hodgins, which wastes time. For the run after this event you may want to keep a stability spell, as the Gravelings in the tunnel also have knockdowns. You can equip a shield after using Charge on your warhorn to be completely safe for the first group of mobs, allowing you to save all your evades for the pack of mobs towards the end of the tunnel. If you are not the one collecting the pieces then use Charge on your warhorn to give Hodgins swiftness after his dialogue. This will mean that he runs to the spot where you can give him the scepter pieces quicker. When he reaches his spot, talk to him and give him the scepter pieces to spawn the waypoint and chest. The Howling King is a pretty simple boss but can be dangerous. His attacks are extremely slow but very devastating as they apply confusion, cripple, and weakness. To avoid taking damage, one can just circle around him when auto attacking to ensure he doesnt hit with his laser and only start a Hundred Blades channel when he starts an attack channel. This will allow you to get the full Hundred Blades off without needing to interrupt it to dodge his attacks. If you are soloduo and you have slow kill time then his gravelings summons may become a problem as they can knockdown for extended lengths of time and apply a lot of bleeds. If you find you are running out of dodges for their leaps, consider taking a sword offhand instead of mace, possibly with an energy sigil on it, or take a stability skill instead of your Signet of Fury. The event ends when a certain amount of gravelings killed is met in addition to the Graveling Breeder being defeated. Warriors should not have a problem surviving until all the Gravelings are dead due to their high base health and toughness, healing signet and evades from greatsword. If you are in a less organised group, you may find yourself needing to take either stunbreaks, condition removal utilities, or trait for Brawler8217s Recovery in the Discipline specialisation in order to deal with the large amount of conditions, fears, and knockbacks from the Necromancers and Rangers. Try to save your mace 5 until the mobs have LoSed into your area of choice, allowing your group to burst them down without being condition bursted or feared. If you get downed, try to look for a rally on a low health mob. This boss has only two attacks one which he applies a series of very devastating AoEs that pulse a lot of vulnerability and damage and another where he fires out a series of vapor blades that have very long range and apply bleeds and cripples in addition to dealing heavy damage. All of these attacks can be evaded or blocked, and provided that you are in a group he should die before you have to use all of your active defenses. If you are in a less organised group that deals low damage and people die quickly and easily, it may be in your best interest to prepare a second trap just in case he isn8217t defeated before his ghost shield reapplies. Equip a swordwarhorn and greatsword after the spike traps to run to Kholer or the Burrow events faster. You can swap your warhorn for a shield to block the 4 elite ghosts in the corridor before the burrow event, and then run to the end of the room to drop their aggro. For the burrow event you want to swap your Signet of Fury for a Signet of Might, and if youre the only warrior and only have a Discipline banner, swap it for the Strength Banner. If you are in a group the burrows will die fast enough to give you time to pick up the banner and take it to be in range of the next burrow spawn. After 6 minutes of burrow-destroying timegated fun is over, youll need to run through the spider room. You can equip a sword offhand, channel riposte and then swap to shield during the channel. After Riposte has finished channeling you can use Shield Stance, allowing you to chain 5.25 seconds of block. For the rest of the room use dodges and spam strafe to try and stay out of combat. For the next burrow room you want to keep your Signet of Might and use a greatsword and swordwarhorn. Use Rush, Whirlwind Attack and Savage Leap to run to the end 2 burrows quickly whilst some of your party kills the first 2. Kill the burrows using Hundred blades, Whirlwind Attack and autoattacks. If an Elementalist drops a Fiery Greatsword, pick it up and use Fiery Rush and Fiery Whirl to run to the end burrows quickly, and use Fiery Whirl with Firestorm to destroy the burrows. Use the waypoint to get past the door a little faster, and then wait for the tunnel to open. If an elementalist drops a Static Field blast it with warhorn 5 and longbow 3 to give your party swiftness for the run. Use swordwarhorn and greatsword to run quickly to the end boss. If your group has a slow kill time you may want to take a sword offhand instead of mace, have an energy sigil or both, as you need to frequently dodge his swipes and knockdowns. You may need to take Warbanner to resurrect Warmaster Grast depending on how poorly the group is doing so that you dont die to the 8220cave in8221 attacks with the rocks falling everywhere. If you are in a more organised group, you can interrupt this attack with mace 5 or ideally if an elementalist is in the group, Deep Freeze on ice bow. Caudecus Manor If your group is clearing the mobs underground and completing the event as a party, try to pull groups of mobs into Line of Sight spots, allowing you to quickly and safely DPS them down. As a Warrior you can pull large groups safely with Axe Throw, Impale and Bladetrail. Save your Tremor until the mobs are in melee range, and additionally for the cutpurses. Stunning the cutpurses and quickly burning them down with your group will prevent them from apply a hefty amount of bleeds and poison to your group. Taking condition remove for this part should not be necessary, as other classes in your party should be able to handle it if a Cutpurse does live long enough to apply conditions, however if you are finding yourself dying to conditions, try taking Signet of Stamina or Shake it Off instead of Signet of Fury. If your group feels it would be faster for 1 person to solo the bombing event and theres no mesmer or thief in your party, it may be time to put on your big boy pants and solo it yourself. Soloing this event without dying is entirely do-able on Warrior, with or without consumables. If you want to skip the written explanation and just watch a video on how to do it, then watch either of these videos to learn the general procedure for how it can be done with as little combat engagement as possible and without deaths: For Utilities I usually take Defiant Stance, Berserkers Stance, Endure Pain, Fear Me and Signet of Rage. Alternatively you could use balanced stance instead of Fear Me, since the Snipers do have a knockdown Start off with a SwordWarhorn and Greatsword and pop your Signet of Rage and Charge when at the stairs leading to the basement. Replace your warhorn for an offhand sword, and take a right hand turn. When you have the mobs attention start to channel Riposte, and during the channel equip a shield. After activating the bomb, run to the second one and use Shield Stance to block the group of mobs guarding it. Run to the 3rd bomb, and dodge the Snipers Killshot by counting to 2 when the red ring appears below your character and then dodging. Run down the corrider, and if you have any ash legion spy kits you can walk into the small room on your left and use one to drop any aggro you may have. Replace your shield with an offhand sword and run to the final bomb, using Riposte when you have the mobs attention. Additionally you can use Defiant Stance at any point to be extra safe. If you did this all then you should be out of combat. If you are, Waypoint to the start of the dungeon. If you are in combat, then just die to the mobs, its quicker than running back to the second half of the basement, and repair costs are free. Stack up swiftness before going downstairs and then swap your warhorn for an offhand sword. Use riposte to block the Flame Turrets and activate the 2 bombs in the room. In this room you can wait for cooldowns to come back up if you need to. You can kill the 2 Flame Turrets whilst waiting for the NPC or cooldown, and this will prevent them from getting you in combat as you leave the room. After waiting for the slow NPC, your Riposte should be back off cooldown. Use it to block the 3 Snipers in the corridor, and swap offhand sword for a shield in the middle of your Riposte channel. Run into the room on the right and start to Shield Stance as soon as Riposte ends. Run out again and activate the Bomb right behind the Snipers and use either evades, Berserkers Stance and if you need it Defiant Stance to get to the final bomb. Wait by the exit door for the NPC to finish her thing, as you will be semi-safe in this spot. Gunpowder Morgan is a pretty simple boss. If your party is good at keeping reflects up then you can get away without dodging this whole encounter, however it is still good to dodge his kicks. If you have poor or no reflect uptime then you will need to do a lot of dodging as he attacks frequently, so taking an offhand sword, an energy sigil or both is recommended. If you are killing the group of mobs after Morgan, than be wary of the Bandit Thugs. They will raise their hand for 1 second, and then heal allies, as well as giving them stability, might and protection. As a warrior it is very important that you look out for this and interrupt it with Mace 5. In a group Bloody Victoria should not be much of a problem. Your high toughness, health and healing signet means that she should die before you do, even if she is focusing you. If you are in a less organised group or solo then you will want to take a stun break, since the backstab stun is unblockable and you will not be able to dodge it while stunned. You can still see her icon on the mini-map when she stealths. Frost is another annoying boss, however there is not many Warrior-specific things you can do to help. Just try to burn him down as fast as possible, and if necessary swap Signet of Fury for Endure Pain or Berserkers Stance. Nothing really warrior related worth mentioning up until Spike Room You can use Savage Leap on your sword and Earthshaker on a hammer to cross onto separate carpets without taking any damage. You can also use shield to block the attacks from the mobs in the room. You can also use balanced stance since the Snipers have a knockdown. Bombing the Gate Here you can use Fear me or Stomp to keep the bandits away from the bombs you place. Skip to Turmaine If your group is skipping to Turmaine, simply run past the mobs with a rotation of Riposte, Shield Stance, Rush, Whirlwind Attack and Savage Leap. Be careful to not stand in his wells and this boss isnt a problem. If you are not in an organised group with other classes to remove any conditions, you may want to take Signet of Stamina to clear the large amount conditions he can apply. When he goes into his plague form, kite him and run away with Whirl Wind Attack and Rush when hes not selected. If your party has no reflects, then you can kite the Elite Bandits around the small house. When Seamus enters his shotgun phase, only start to channel Hundred Blades when he starts to cast his shotgun blast in another direction. This will ensure that you dont have to interrupt your Hundred Blades to dodge his attack. For the run to the turrets, if you are not clearing the mobs or stealthing, you can run it whilst channeling riposte and swap to a shield whilst channeling. When Riposte channel ends start your Shield Stance channel. You can then double dodge towards the airguns to ensure you dont get put in combat. If a cutpurse follows you, you can stand on top of the crates on the left to drop aggro. The damage from the airguns is affected by might, so try to stack might with your party. You can use Call to Arms, Arcing Arrow and Earthshaker as blast finishers, or Combustive shot as a fire field along with For Great Justice. If your party is pulling him out of the room into a corner and you are the one pulling, try to pull him with Impale or Throw Axe to give him as little cripple as possible, so he does not take any longer than needed to run to your corner. If you have poor reflect uptime you will need to watch out for when he crouches and spins. It is important to dodge this attack especially, else you can instantly be downed. If you are in a small group or solo, you can not drop your airgun from the previous event and use it against him. Pull him out of his room into the corridor where the rocket turrets were using a single target utility such as Throw Bolas or a racial utility such as Prayer to Lyssa. When he is in the corridor, reflect his basic attacks and AoE attack using the airgun skills. When you have a cooldown on using the skills, simply strafe left and right to avoid his attacks. Use savage leap and rotate Riposte and Shield stance to make it to the other end without being hit by traps or Bandit Snipers. Afterwards you will encounter a big room of enemies. You can avoid aggroing them by jumping on the rock to the right and then onto the bridge. Second Large Room If your party clears the second large room and the Bandit Snipers, simply Line of Sight in your corner of choice and burn down the mobs. Once again look to interrupt the Bandit Thugs heal ability, to prevent the stability and protection. If your group chooses to skip them and you dont have a thief or engineer in your party to stealth everybody, dodge the first 2 Snipers kill shots by counting to 2 when the red ring appears below your feet and then dodging. Rotate Riposte, Shield Stance, Rush, Savage Leap and Whirlwind Attack to reach the end quickly. Watch out for the Bandit Scattershots long channeled bullet spray, as this can easily instantly down you if you stand too close to it and dont dodge. In a coordinated group you will be able to kill him before your reflects run out, however if you dont have a Guardian or Mesmer to give you stability then you will still need to be able to dodge his Earth Spikes. When he raises his front legs and twists, or as Wethospu elegantly described, Hops around you will need to dodge to prevent a knockback. If you are in a group with poor DPS, reflect uptime or in solo you will need an offhand sword and energy sigil to dodge all of his attacks. When his hands light up with fiery, dodge to avoid his fire ball, and you will also need to dodge his Earth Ring. His attacks are frequent so be sure to only start to channel Hundred Blades right after he attacks to ensure you get the full channel off. Be sure not to confuse his Swirling Winds attack animation with his other attack animations, as this could cause you to waste evades or blocks. When his swirling winds is up, it is very important that you do not use Tremor, Impale, Bladetrail or Throw Axe, as it will be reflected back at you. Twilight Arbor Clear the blossoms until the first group of dogs using either longbow or Bladetrail and Throw Axe. When you reach the first group of dogs, equip swordshield and block as you run past them. This will ensure you dont get in combat, knocked down or poisoned by the blossoms. Use Savage Leap and Rush to run past the Husks before they can knock you down. If a teammate is being chain stunned by them, equip mace offhand and use it to knock down the Husks. Start to kill the Wurms as they spawn, and use either an evade, riposte or Tremor to avoid or interrupt their knockdown attack. If you are in a more organised group, this will not be needed as your guardian, thief or elementalist will be able to blind their attack. One way to clear the blossoms surrounding the Wurms if you dont have another party member clearing them is to dodge roll to where the next wurm spawns. Your reckless dodge trait will then clear out any nearby blossoms, making the area safe to melee in. Alternatively you could Whirlwind Attack into a group of blossoms to clear them without taking any damage or poison. If your party has medium to high DPS then you can ignore the 6th Wurm and start to kill the champion. Once again, look at for his knockdown animation and look to interrupt it with Tremor. If you are solo or have a low DPS party, you will need to kill the 6th Wurm, and possibly any other Wurms that spawn if your DPS is very low. After clearing out the group of spiders in the tunnel, your party will most commonly want to line of sight the other spiders into a corner in that tunnel. If you are pulling, try to pull with impale or throw axe, to speed up the pulling process due to no or little cripples on the mobs. Wait until all the spiders are in the corner and then Tremor them to keep your party safe. Once all the spiders are dead, Malrona will activate. In an organised group, another class will push Malrona to the wall, however in a less organised group this may not happen. If you are not in an organised group, you can use Tremor when she aggros to interrupt her first attack, which will always be Venom Blast, the painful AoE. You can then push her with melee into a wall of your party has a Fiery Greatsword ready to be used by walking inside her model and melee attacking her. Alternatively you can interrupt her Venom Blast and push her to the wall all at once by using the utility spell Kick or Fear Me. One thing to be aware of is that the Large AoE Venom Blast is unblockable, so you need to evade it and not use Riposte. If you dont have team mates clearing the blossoms, then use Bladetrail, longbow and Throw Axe to clear them up until the first group of Undergrowth Stonetouches. When you reach them, equip a shield and use Shield Stance to block the blossoms, and then double dodge, Whirlwind attack and rush to make it to the end without entering combat. Be especially careful to stay away from Stonetouches melee, as they can apply a 5 second stun which removes stability and cannot be stun broken. If an ally stacks a large amount of poison on them and there are no other classes who are able to clear conditions on an ally, take Shake it Off instead of Signet of Fury and clear their poison before engaging Fyonna. Ideally your party will pull her with a ranged attack which does not apply a cripple, however if none are available then you can pull with Throw Axe or Impale. Pull her into the tunnel where you are safe from her Spider Eggs, and can also push her against the wall for Whirlwind Attack and Fiery Rush. In her first form there is not much you can do, as her attacks are a projectile. In her spider form, make sure to dodge her attacks, which have the same animation as the Spider Queen from ACs basic attacks. Once again, be sure to start a Hundred Blades channel right after she has attacked to ensure you get the full channel off, since she attacks frequently. As a warrior you can take a few hits, so you may not want to interrupt your Hundred Blades to dodge, if it means finishing off the rest of the channel. Stick to the left and clear any blossoms in your way. When you come close to the group of 4 elites that patrol the passage, equip shield use Shield Stance while running to the next passage filled with archers. Double dodge through them and then rush to reach the end without taking significant damage or poison application. If you get downed then look for a blossom and hit it with your 1 downed skill to rally. Once again if a party member receives a large amount of poison and no other condition cleanses in the party are available, drop Signet of Fury to take Shake it Off and clear their poison. This champion has hard hitting melee attacks, so in a group with slower kill times you may need to max melee range it and kite it around with the cripples from Throw Axe and Bladetrail. Be sure to swap any Signets of Fury for Signet of Might and any Banner of Disciplines for On My Mark or Banner of Strength if your party doesnt have one, since the Tree is a structure and cannot be critically hit. If you have little reflect uptime then try to zig-zag and strafe to avoid getting hit by the mortars. If he is blinded from a Guardian or an Elementalist then you dont need to worry about any of the Nightmare Trees attacks, however if he is not blinded then you need to dodge when he smashes the ground and dodge 0.5 8211 1 second after any red circles appear. In the center near his back legs there is a spot where you can hit him twice with each melee attack. Try to stand here to make the boss die much faster. Try to stand in between these archers so that you can hit both of them at the same time with your melee attacks. If you get immobilized, take the opportunity to use Whirlwind Attack and hit them for every tick of damage. They will not evade and place a trap if you or any other member of your party does not selecttarget them, however this means you cannot use spells such as Rush for DPS. Swim past the barracudas and dodge if any come close and are in their attack animation. Avoid using spear 4 to block the attacks as this will put you in combat unless you manually cancel the counterattack. Use swordwarhorn and greatsword to run to the next part of the dungeon quickly. Leaurents Elite Guard A warrior can simply walk through the fiery barriers by using either Riposte, Shield Stance, mace 2 or Defiant Stance, however Endure Pain will not work. If you have a guardian giving you an aegis, dodge through the fiery shield. Dont use Tremor, Bladetrail or Impale, as the shields will absorb the projectiles. Standing directly in the hitboxes of the archers will mean that they are unable to attack you due to the fact that they are rooted. You can stand in this area until the patrolling dogs have passed: Clear any blossoms with Bladetrail, Throw Axe and longbow. When you reach the first group of mobs, wait for the Knight to use his hammer stun and dodge it. After, use Whirlwind Attack and Rush to cross the bridge. Hug the right wall to bypass the 2nd and 3rd group of mobs un-noticed. Use 8220Shake it Off8221 if you have poison and equip an offhand sword and start channeling Riposte as you approach the 4th group of mobs, swapping to an off-hand shield in the middle of the channel to avoid counterattacking them. As soon as Riposte ends, start to channel Shield Stance. Once Shield Stance ends, double dodge, Savage Leap, Whirlwind Attack and then Rush to bypass the blossoms without taking much damage or poison from them. If you have a party member such as an Elementalist or a Guardian clearing blossoms for your party, stick with them and do not run ahead. You may want an offhand sword if you are in an un-organised group, as the fight will go on a long time and you will need lots of evades and blocks for his Bladetrail and Entangle. Be sure to swap any Signets of Fury for Signet of Might and any Banner of Disciplines for On My Mark or Banner of Strength if your party doesnt have one, since the Tree is a structure and cannot be critically hit. If you are not channeling Hundred Blades, try to move around a little to try to evade the Oakhearts basic attacks. When the Oakhearts raise their fist, dodge when they slam it onto the ground to avoid a knockback. You can also rally from the BInding Roots which they spawn. Sorrows Embrace An efficient clear of path 1 is reliant on Stability and reflects, meaning theres not a whole lot that a warrior can do in this path. Impasse Mark IV If your party needs to have the boss against the walll (e. g for Fiery Greatsword), but no other party member knows how to with their class, then you can use Kick. However rarely will you be in a party that uses Fiery Greatsword but does not know how to push a boss to the wall. Be sure to carry any banners you have to Nokk, as if you have good DPS they will last long enough to be up for the whole Nokk fight. A warrior can easily pass all 3 golems very quickly. Use any of Riposte, Shield Stance, Whirlwind Attack and your 2 dodges to avoid the golems pull. If you are in a group with reflects, try not to use Tremor when reflects are up, as it may interrupt their hard hitting attacks which get reflected back at them. Save Tremor for if any are still alive and you dont have any reflects up. If you are in an unorganised group with no Guardian Banish to separate Tazza and Kaeyi then you can you separate the 2 yourself to make the fight easier for your group. Aggro them when standing on top of the steps, and slowly run backwards until she is at the top of the steps. Use Fear Me to fear her near to where the previous golems were spawned. Kaeyi will leash and you will be able to fight Tazza on her own. Once again, reflects are an important part in an efficient path 3 clear, meaning in most of the encounters there isnt anything special a Warrior can do. If nobody else in your party is able to handle condition cleanse, take Shake It Off instead of Signet of Fury, and clear bleeds whenever they get stacked significantly. If your group kill the group of trash mobs that spawn after, use Tremor when there are no reflects up to minimise the amount of damage your party takes. Skip to Molradovich As you leave the room where Volkov was, take a left and jump down, being careful to avoid dying to fall damage. You can swap Signet of Fury for Signet of Might to help kill the barricades faster. Taking an offhand shield here can be useful as it allows you to easy cross the bridge without getting in combat. Be sure to swap Signet of Fury for Signet of Might here, and if you only have a Discipline banner in your party then swap it for Banner of Strength for this encounter. If your party is fully ranging the carrier, equip both a rifle and a longbow and use a rotation of Volley - gt swap to longbow - gt Arcing Arrow - gt auto attack for another 5 seconds after weapon swap is off cooldown - gt swap to rifle - gt Volley. Citadel of Flame You can start to stack might by using your blast finishers of Call to Arms, Arcing Arrow and Earthshaker in a fire field. If there are no fire fields available then you can use Combustive Shot. Note that hitting the gate no longer grants adrenaline so you will need to use Signet of Fury to get adrenaline for Combustive Shot. If your party is not teleporting Ferrah to the gate, then you can help speed things up by giving her swiftness with Warhorn. If you have a team mate pulling the 2 Godforged Fanatics to the wall, then you can hit both and the turret with tremor, allowing your team to burst them down before they place any flame walls. If you do not have a team mate that can pull them to the wall, hit them with Tremor anyway, but position yourself so that you can hit a turret and 1 or if possible 2 with your melee cleave. Despite what many teams made through the LFG tend to think, pushing this boss does almost nothing to speed up the encounter whatsoever. The tactic of pushing or pulling him to the wall was formerly useful during the days when Fiery Rush used to be capable of stacking all of its fire fields into the same location when used with no target against a wall, resulting in massive amounts of damage. Because this is no longer possible, it is better to save crowd control skills to interrupt this boss rather than walling him. Equip a swordwarhorn greatsword and sprint to the other side as fast as possible. Make use of Riposte and Shield Stance if you want to stay out of combat without the chance of goofing up with dodges. The event and the dialogue will trigger when the first person reaches the end of the bridge, so it is important that you reach the end as fast as possible, even if it means leaving your slower allies behind. Warriors can kill the acolytes in the event following in one shot with Eviscerate. You can build adrenaline for this with either Healing Surge, Signet of Fury or by hitting one of the summoning plates. Another way to quickly kill an Acolyte is to use Whirlwind Attack through them and into one of the summoning plates. If you are killing the gate for your party, try to target the gate controller as you run into the room, before the door closes. Swap Signet of Fury if you have it for Signet of Might, and additionally stack might, drop any strength banners and take Frenzy and Balanced Stance if you are not very consistent at dodging the Hellstorms pull. When the gate opens, use Bladetrail, Rush and then Frenzy (and Balanced Stance if you have it), Hundred Blades and Whirlwind attack to kill the controller. If a strength banner was dropped then remind your party to pick it up and take it to the last boss. Legendary Searing Effigy Just dodge his attacks and perform your DPS rotations to the best of your ability. Be sure to swap Signet of Fury if you have it for Signet of Might, as the burrows cannot be critically hit. Defusing the Bombs You can start to channel a movement skill (e. g Rush) whilst next to a bomb, and then interact with the bomb to pick it up whilst using your movement skill. Using this trick with Rush, Executioners Axes Corpse Toss or Savage Leap can allow you to very quickly return bombs. Defiant Stance and Endure Pain will not protect you from the fire fields. This means that the best way to run it solo is to use the water cannons for the fire fields, and rely on Berserkers Stance and Shake it Off to avoid being immobilized, and Endure Pain, Defiant Stance or Dodges to avoid dying to any mobs. Bombing The Gate If you are in a group with not much DPS or cleave, then you can take hammer to help control all the mobs that spawn, and make it a bit easier for your group. However, be aware that the Assassins have stability so they will not be affected by your stuns or knockbacks. If you are in a group with high DPS then this part will go smoothly without you doing anything special. You can quickly kill an Acolyte by Whirlwind Attacking into the wall behind them. This will instantly or almost instantly kill them, depending on might and your build, without wasting any adrenaline or big cooldowns. They recently changed it so you can melee the Boss from anywhere on the ground, so simply DPS the boss and try to stay mobile to avoid any firestorms. Here you can use Fear Me to protect yourself or somebody else whilst they are channeling on the torch. Endure Pain or Defiant Stance will not prevent the channeling from being interrupted if you are hit. In a less organised group with slow kill times or nobody else managing condition removal, then you can take Shake It Off to remove bleeds and burning from you or your allies. You can also kite him around a pillar whilst auto attacking with axe. In a group with high DPS then this will not be needed. In a group will slow kill times then you may find it necessary to take a stun break or to bring stability, as being stunned by a Bladestorm can lead to you quickly being killed. Save Tremor for if your party Line of Sights mobs into one large clump, or for when the Hellstorms start their Flamespray. Corridor of Bombs If you get surrounded by red AoEs, wait 0.2s before dodging backwards. Blocks such as Shield Stance and Riposte will block the damage, however Endure Pain and Defiant Stance will not. Another tactic you can use it outrun the detonations by using Rush and Savage Leap. Be sure to cancel the leap towards the end of the cast with a weapon swap, else you may get into combat with the bombs. Gaherons Pet Drake If you are being focused by the drake, only start to channel a Hundred Blades when he casts Flame Breath, as it will allow you to get the full channel off without needing to dodge his bite. In a group with slow kill times you may need to take an energy sigil, offhand sword or both to give you enough dodges for his bite. In a group with low DPS you may need to take an energy sigil, offhand sword or both to give you enough dodges for the boss. Try to save Riposte or Whirlwind Attack for if you get hit by his Throw Bolas, so that you can still blockevade his Banish even when you are immobilised. Honor of the Waves After killing the group of 4 Elites at the start, you can equip Signet of Might to help speed up killing the 2 Corrupted Ice Turrets, and the Ice Dragon Totem if your group chooses to complete the fx event. If you are in a group with little DPS, or you anticipate your team mates dying then it would be a smart idea to take an offhand with Sigil of Energy in it, as well as a Greatsword and Fast Hands. Offhand sword is fine, however none of his attacks can be blocked, so dont rely on Riposte. His fear also cannot be blocked or evades, so you may want to take Shake it Off, as the 25 second cooldown stun break is close to the 20 second cooldown on the Trolls fear. Try to evade his leap right before he lands, as you will evade the leap and the shockwaves it produces all in one evade. Rotate between Whirlwind Attack evade and dodges for his basic attacks. When he uses Shield of Jormag, be careful not to use Tremor, Impale or Bladetrail, as he reflects projectiles. Quickly clear the stacks on his shield with Hundred Blades, Cyclone Axe and Whirlwind Attack into the wall to either side of him. Ginva The Butcher Try to melee him from as far away as possible, as this will cause his Whirling Defense attack to miss you. If there is no red bar underneath your melee attack when you have him selected, then you can still hit him from further away. Avoid using any projectiles such as Pin Down, Arcing Arrow, Impale or Throw Axe when he is whirling, as it it will reflect projectiles back to you or your team mates. Crucible of Eternity Drop a banner when the door opens and you engage the first group of mobs, which will ensure your banner is up for all of the mobs, and for the first Subject Alpha. If you are pulling the Champion Wolf, you can use Riposte or Shield Stance to safely bait out his leap before pulling him to your party. If you use Shield Stance you can easily stay out of combat, allowing you to swap back to offhand mace to fight him. Drop a banner as you engage Alpha. If your party needs you to push him against the wall, then you can either use Kick, Fear Me or the slower method of melee pushing him. When he escapes, pick up your banner and carry it to the next part of the dungeon. Use Inspire and Sprint to get their faster. People have personal preference whether they prefer to do lasers with or without swiftness. For this reason, try to avoid using Warhorn, and if you want swiftness for it, use Signet of Rage to avoid giving your party unwanted swiftness. If you are using the one of the first 2 consoles, use rush to catch up to our party, and a savage leap with a weapon swap before it ends. Avoid using Whirlwind Attack where the lasers were, as this will get you in combat. If you are defending console users, stand still and use Axe auto attack to quickly and easily kill any golems. If your party chooses to let the inquest die, then a well-timed Arcing Arrow, Combustive Shot or Bladetrail can tag all the mobs for you, allowing you to loot them. Bjarl the Rampager Here you can use Tremor and Fear Me to chain crow control him, preventing him from re-gaining his armour for a short while. Destroying the Door AxeGreatsword auto attacks will oneshot any golems. Useful place to equip any stacking weapons and stack. When the Elite Golems spawn, interrupt them with Tremor when they start to spin. Use Tremor, Whirlwind Attack and Bladetrail to tag all the mobs for loot. If your group is killing the group of Elite mobs at the top of the stairs, save your Tremor if you have it for when the Berserkers start to spin. Way to Evolved Husk Use shield stance to block any blossoms to stay out of combat the whole run. You may want to take Shake it Off incase you get a large amount of poison, or if you get knocked down by a dog. You can take Shake it Off instead of Signet or Banner here to help with bleedspoisons on you or your team mates. Be sure not to use it when the Husk is about to die, else you may not be able to swap it back to bannersignet in time for last Alpha. Destroying the Door AxeGreatsword auto attacks will oneshot any golems. Useful place to equip any stacking weapons and stack. When the Elite Golems spawn, interrupt them with Tremor when they start to spin. Use Tremor, Whirlwind Attack and Bladetrail to tag all the mobs for loot. If your group is killing the group of Elite mobs at the top of the stairs, save your Tremor if you have it for when the Berserkers start to spin. Way to Destroyer Use Tremor on all the Destroyer Crabs to keep your party safe from their attacks. Use Tremor on him to interrupt any casts of Dragons Tooth. Only start to channel Hundred Blades when you know where the tooth will land, to avoid having to interrupt the channel. The Ruined City of Arah Bring up the dialogue when you select the orb, start to channel Rush, Savage Leap or any other charge you may have (e. g Corpse Toss), and select to pick up the orb. This will cause you to channel your leaprush whilst holding the orb. Use dodges to reach the end, and if needed Bulls Charge or a healing skill. Solo. Its possible for a warrior to solo the corrupted light without any Clerics gear only with the use of the Executioner8217s Axe Toy bundle, which is only obtainable from the gem store. Alternatively, it is possible to solo this puzzle with 1500 healing power. Take Defiant Stance, For Great Justice, Shake It Off, Bulls Charge, and Signet of Rage. For a detailed guide on how to solo the second orb on a warrior, watch the video guide below: Group: In a group, none of the above will be necessary. Instead, you can use Rush whilst picking up the orb, Defiant Stance when your health reaches 3000, and optionally a Bulls Charge to travel most of the distance before throwing the orb to a team mate. The Grand Processional Gate Stick to the left wall, and run to this corner From here you can wait for your team, and evaluate whether you will need to kill any turrets. If you have reflects in your team, then you can run to the Abominations, and allow any eyes that would normally hit you to kill themselves on reflects. However, if you have no reflects in your party, and a turret has spawned that would hit you whilst killing the abominations then you will need to kill the turret first. If the turrets are behind the rock, then you can safely shoot at them from longbow from a few spots, otherwise you will need to strafe left and right whilst auto attacking them, to avoid being hit and blinded. If you are not very familiar with Lupicus mechanics, or are interested in learning how to solo Lupicus, whether it be to make pug runs smoother, the ability to solo paths or just as a personal goal, then there are plenty of good resources on YouTube and GW2dungeons that explain his mechanics. Your weapon set and your utilities will vary here depending on the experience of your group and your own experience at Lupicus. If you are not very experienced with Lupicus then you will want an offhand sword with Energy sigil, and maybe even Signet of Stamina, Endure Pain and Dolyak Signet. This will allow you to have plenty of dodges, lessening the penalty of wasting a dodge. If you are in a good group, however you are still not 100 confident with Lupicus, then an offhand sword with Energy sigil should be fine, along with your regular utilities youd use on any other boss. If you are confident with Lupicus, but are not confident in your team, then you may want to take Balanced Stance or Dolyak Signet, incase they continually get Necrid Traps casted on them, which may also trap you. In a group with reflects, such as a mesmer, then youll want to take on my mark, and if you are confident enough an offhand mace. When Lupicus starts to use his Phase 2 AoE, use On My Mark along with Crushing Blow and Cyclone Axe to quickly apply a lot of vulnerability, increasing the damage of the reflects. Be sure not to use On My Mark in phase 1, as he cleanses all conditions during phase transition. One trick you can do to avoid being knocked down by the unavoidable Phase 1-gt2 transition grub, is to spawn an Ember or Ogre Pet using consumables, or any other pet (Elementalist summons, Engineer turret). If you then stand behind them, they will take the grub and the knockdown instead of you. Stick to the left hand wall when running towards the door. When the door opens, use riposte or a dodge to avoid combat incase the group of Elites in front of the door aggro. Use Rush and Whirlwind Attack whilst sticking to the left hand side. When you approach the small ledge, swap your offhand warhorn for a shield if you are the first one to reach the turrets. When the first shot from the turret is about to hit you, start to channel Shield Stance. Run past the turrets, avoiding any corpses, and when Shield Stance ends, double dodge to avoid any turret shots. If your team is not lacking swiftness, try to save Charge for if somebody gets crippled by an ooze. Clear out any spiders and wait out of turret aggro range for somebody in your party with reflects to kill the turrets in the next area. If you are solo, or there are no reflects available, you can equip a longbow to kill them. You can hit the turrets at a longer range then they can hit you, so one strategy is to back away from, or slowly walk to the turrets until you find the range where you can hit them but they cant hit you. Another tactic is to used the curved floor to your advantage. Your longbow shots curve, meaning you can hit an eye, whilst their shots are obstructed. Another common method is to quickly strafe left and right, causing their shots to miss, whilst you auto attack with longbow. An example of the Longbows curved projectiles. If your group is not using the commonly used safespot, then move into channel Hundred Blades when he stops bouncing. Use Whirlwind Attack and Rush to quickly get out of the area of effect of his bounce. Try to stay in melee range until it casts its attack, as if it targets somebody in melee range, it will bounce 6 times instead of the usual 3, however it will remain stationary whilst channeling. One advantage of not safespotting is that you can pull him closer to the Jotun NPC, allowing for a shorter distance needed to carry the Blood of the Ancients. As a warrior you can use Bulls Charge if you are carrying it, or you can use Charge to give a teammate carrying it swiftness, and remove any cripples they may get from the oozes that spawn off the orb. Run to Crystalline Entities Use Shield Stance as you approach the group of 4 Elites, to stay out of combat and prevent any surprise Chaos Storms from the Risen Illusionists. Use Rush and Whirlwind attack to travel a large distance quickly, being careful not to get in combat with Whirlwind Attack. When you reach the group of Lesser Oozes, Savage Leap past them, weapon swapping before the leap ends, to prevent hitting any of them and getting in combat. You can then single or double dodge just to be completely sure none will hit you. If any teammates get cripples by any oozes, you can use Charge on your warhorn to cleanse the cripple. Use Throw Axe and Bladetrail to aggro groups of the Entities whilst you gain stacks by standing in the green light. As a warrior with Healing Signet and Lifesteal food, you can easily stay on to about 13 stacks. Try to channel Hundred Blades only if a teammate is holding their aggro, or you have endure pain on, as the Entities can quickly take a large amount of your health. If you are using an AxeMace build, then you may want to take warhorn instead of Mace, to provide swiftness to allow you to kite them around whilst you auto attack, especially since the entities are immune to the vulnerability that mace provides. If your group lacks burning or immobilise, then you can take Longbow and Throw Bolas. Use Fan of Fire as soon as Shoggroth spawns to get him burning. Then use Combusive Shot and Arcing arrow to continue burning Shoggroth, as well as providing 3 might to your party and a fire field for them to blast. Autoattack until Fan of Fire is off cooldown, use it and then swap to your Greatsword or AxeMace. If your group needs might, then you can swap back to longbow to place the firefield and blast it, otherwise you wont need to swap back to Longbow until you need to immobilise the boss. When the boss starts to run back to his hole, use Throw Bolas and Pin Down whenever theyre up to keep him immobilised. As you turn the first corner, use Riposte or a single dodge to prevent the 2 Elite mobs getting you in combat. As you turn around the second corner, use Rush and Whirlwind Attack to run past any Risen. When you approach the last group of Risen, equip Shield and use Shield Stance to prevent getting in combat. Use On My Mark, Cyclone Axe and Crushing Blow to apply vulnerability to make his reflected attacks do more damage. Use Savage Leap whilst slightly angled towards the left wall to bypass the first Risen Defiler quickly and without being hit by the poison. Use Rush to pass the 2 Risen Berserkers and the 2nd Risen Defiler, and then use Savage Leap, weapon swap before it ends and immediately dodge to pass the 2nd group of Berserkers and the Defilers after them without getting in combat. You can also take Shake it Off to cleanse any poison before it does any damage ticks. If you are in small groupsolo and you will lack condition removal, but will take a lot of burning, then you can replace For Great Justice with Shake it Off. If you solo and are lacking fury because of losing FGJ, then you can swap offhand mace for offhand axe to make up for the fury. If your party is using the golem to skip this part, then stay with your party, picking up the Recharger Guns and using the 1 skill on the golem. However, another common tactic is to run through without using the golem. If you dont like reading, heres a video Start by stacking swiftness with Signet of Rage and Charge. Use Rush to reach the first corner, and dodge around the corner. Use Savage Leap and weapon swap before it hits a spider. Swap your offhand warhorn for a shield and immediately start to channel Shield Stance. Whilst Shield Stance is channeling, swap your offhand Shield for either a warhorn to cleanse any cripples, or offhand sword for Riposte. Run to the hole in the left hand wall, and either Riposte or dodge the spider in front of its attack. Always keep an eye on your team-mates, so you can remove their cripple with warhorn 4. Run to Abomination If you want to be safe, take a stability skill, incase you get stuck in a Line of Warding, or shield bashed. When you see the Deadeye debuff appear on you, count to 2 and then dodge. If you see a teammate being stunned by a Sentinel, and about to be shot by a Deadeye, then you can use an interrupt such as Tremor or Shield Bash on the Deadeye. You can either dodge the Sentinels Shield Bash, or use Rush to run past them before they have a chance to cast anything, or if they do, it will be out of range. If your team-mates all lack stability, and may die during this run, then you can take aggro first and run left instead of right, allowing your team to run past without any risk of them being trapped without stability. Run behind him when he starts swinging to avoid his basic attacks without dodging. Only start a Hundred Blades Channel when you have just ran behind him, to ensure you wont need to interrupt it to dodge. You can interrupt his berserking by using Tremor when he kicks after his stomp. This will put his berserking on a 48s cooldown. If your party is fighting the Abomination away from the centre, and you need to pull him, pull him with Throw Axe or Impale instead of Bladetrail, to minimise the amount of cripple he gets whilst running towards you. The Grand Processional Gate amp Giganticus Lupicus See the Shared Parts at the start of the Arah section. Use dodges and Whirlwind Attack to avoid the Deadeyes kill shots, and then Rush towards the water to quickly get out of their range. Use Tsunami Slash to quickly travel underwater. Use Parry and then a dodge as soon as the block ends to avoid the Sharks charge. If you have difficulty with dodging the charge, then you can take Balanced Stance, any other stun break, or Fear Me. When back on land, use Savage Leap, Rush, Whirlwind Attack and Bulls Charge to reach the waypoint faster. If your group has little reflect uptime then you may want to kite her around a barrel or another similar structure whilst auto attacking. If you are using this tactic and she is focusing you, only start to channel Hundred Blades after she has casted Unload. If your group has little reflect uptime then you may also want to take offhand shield or sword, to block the clones when they spawn, whilst you line of sight them around the structure you are fighting alphard around. You can interrupt the first Inquest Technicians stun with Tremor, saving a teammate or preventing him from casting it al all. You can also use Riposte or Shield Stance as well as dodges to avoid the stun. One riskier strategy is to Rush past him, causing you to be out of range by the time he starts channeling the stun on you. If you dont have a Guardian or a mesmer to give you stability then you may need to take Balanced Stance or Dolyak Signet for the next group of Inquest. Use Rush or Savage Leap to travel as much distance before the Inquest start to stun you. When the first stun is about to go through, use your stability skill and continue running. Dodge any deadeyes with Whirlwind Attack and your dodges. Having an energy sigil here can also help. It may be tricky to keep track of Deadeye kill shots, since both the Inquest stun and Killshot channel have the same effect, so look at your boon bar to easily see how many killshots are channeling on you, and for how long. As a warrior you can also auto walk through the last part, without even being at the keyboard. Just use a Stability skill along with Endure Pain, Defiant Stance or both, and walk through. The Stability will prevent any stuns from the inquest and knockbacks from the Killshots, and the Defiant StanceEndure Pain will prevent any damage from the Killshots. If you are the one using the terminal to bring her to 50, after stacking might and dropping any banners, use the Terminal, and then Rush and then Hundred Blades. Swap to axe and then autoattack. When she is reaching 50 HP, use Crushing Blow, Cyclone Axe and if you have it, On My Mark, followed by an Eviscerate. This will cause your phased damage boost to overspill past 50, allowing you to bring her down to 35 HP under the damage boost instead of 50. If you do not have enough adrenaline a level 3 Eviscerate, then you can use Signet of Fury or Healing Surge for adrenaline. If you are solo or in a group with low DPS, then you may need to kill the wave of mobs she spawns. Taking stability for these can help with the Inquest stuns and the Deadeye knockbacks. If your group chooses to clear the large amounts of Orrian at the start, pull them to your chosen Line of Sight spot to quickly cleave multiple mobs down at once. Save Tremor for when one of the 2 Elite Risen Mages start to cast Corrupted Geyser. Look out for when they crouch and raise their arm, and Tremor then. This will prevent your group from having to move out of damaging fields, as well as preventing the mobs from being healed, which will decrease the time spent on killing them. If your group also chooses to kill the group of 4 Risen Elites guarding the gate instead of stealthing past them, once again pull them to your chosen Line of Sight spot. Once they all reach the corner, Tremor them to allow your group to safely DPS. If there is a Hunter in the group, then you may want to start casting Tremor just before he turns the corner, so that he wont have time to cast Call of the Wild, which gives stability, might and regeneration to him and allies. Wraithlords Crusher and Hunter Try to line of sight both mobs around one of the lamp posts, allowing you to cleave both down at once. Avoid targetingselecting the Hunter, as he only casts his Evasive Trap when he is targeted. If the Hunter starts to bend back, glow, and aim his arrow, avoid starting a Hundred Blades channel, as you may need to move out of the poison field that Hunter is about to cast. Save Whirlwind Attack for when you are immobilised, as it will be your only way to evade Crushers Mighty Smash whilst immobilised. You can also interrupt his smash with Tremor, allowing your group to continue to DPS without having to stop to evade. You could also take offhand warhorn for the Immobilised and Cripple condition cleanse on Charge. Do not start a Hundred Blades channel if he is channeling Smash in your direction, as you will have to interrupt the channel to dodge. Single blocks such as Riposte are unreliable if you are in melee range, as Mighty Smash will hit you twice in melee range, causing damage to go through Riposte. If any team mate downs, dont resurrect them until Crusher has started to channel a crush in the other direction. When you are not resurrecting, stay away from them, and standing in the opposite direction of your ally, so they will not be hit by any smashes. Run to Mage Crusher Stick to the left hand wall and wait for any patrolling mobs to pass. Use dodges, Riposte and Shield Stance to easily pass through the mobs by the door without getting in combat. Use Rush, Whirlwind Attack and Savage Leap to pass any mobs after that before they have a chance to attack you. If you or an ally gets inflicted with chill from the Risen Elementalists, use Charge on your warhorn to cleanse it. If you are skipping the Champion Orrian Spider and the Elite Spiders without stealth, you can run onto this rock to lose their aggro: Evade his AoE basic attacks with dodges, Whirlwind Attack or Riposte. If he starts to channel lifedrain you can either run behind a structure to obstruct it, or interrupt it (e. g with Tremor). Corrupted Light, The Grand Processional Gate and Giganticus Lupicus See Shared Parts at the start of the Arah section Run to Wraithlord Use Shield Stance, Riposte or a dodge to to get past the first group of undead elites without getting in combat. Use Savage Leap, Rush and Whirlwind Attack to get to the summoning platform faster, being careful not to hit any Spiders with Whirlwind Attack or Savage Leap. At the second group of undead elites, use Riposte, an evade, or if its up Shield Stance to stay out of combat and avoid being chilled if a Risen Elementalist is there. Cleansing the chicken ritual If you are kiting the wraiths, you can take either LongbowSword Warhorn or Sword WarhornGreatsword. Aggro any wraiths with your ranged projectiles, and pull them to the centre of the platform. When you have the attention of all of the wraiths, run around them avoiding any damage with Savage Leap and Whirlwind AttackRush. For a video demonstrating how it is possible to solo it on a warrior without the use of consumables, check out this video Note that white it may be old, none of the changes that have happened since then have affected the contents of this video. If you are in an unorganised group or a group with low DPS, then you may need to take an offhand sword, an energy sigil or both to be able to evade his frequent attacks. Try to stay in melee to avoid him casting his more threatening attacks. You can use the pillars of light as a combo light field to cast cleansing bolts with Cyclone Axe and Whirlwind Attack to use as a condition remove for his poison and bleed. Champion Risen Knight If you are in a group with low DPS, or soloduo, then you may need to take an offhand sword, energy sigil, or both to deal with his high attack rate. Kaisar, High Priest of Balthazar Dodge or Whirlwind Attack through him when he spins. This will cause him to travel in the opposite direction to you, so you will avoid his entire spin with only one evade. You can save Tremor to interrupt his spin, allowing your party to continue DPSing. If your party has enough swiftness, then you can save Charge for if you or a party member gets crippled by the ooze. Equipping a shield will allow you to run through the spectral enemies without being immobilised, stunned or put into combat. Once you are past them and Shield Stance has finished channeling, use Whirlwind Attack, Savage Leap or Rush to put a good distance between you and them. For the final group of Risen Elites, you can use evades, Riposte or Shield Stance to run through without being put into combat. Once again, you can save Charge incase you or a teammate gets chilled by a Risen Elementalist. Vahid, High Priest of Melandru If your group chooses to have 1 person kite the gorillas and the rest DPS the boss, then you may be the one kiting. Take swordwarhorn and greatsword, with Shake it Off and Balanced Stance. Simply run around the Gorillas, doing damage and keeping them crippled with Bladetrail. If you get hit by an entangling root, melee it to break it, or use Charge or Shake It Off to cleanse the immobilise. If you do get knocked down by the gorillas, use Balanced Stance or Shake It Off to break out of the stun. Ideally you want to damage the gorillas to low health, but not kill them. This will mean they dont respawn during the fight, but you can almost instantly kill them after Vahid is dead. If you are ranging the boss then take LongbowRifle and replace Forceful Greatsword with Opportunist or Crackshot. Let 5 trees build up on you, and then move away from them, allowing you to shoot at him without being obstructed by the trees. Use a rotation of Volley - gt swap to longbow - gt Arcing Arrow - gt auto attack for another 5 seconds after weapon swap is off cooldown - gt swap to rifle - gt Volley. If you are meleeing him in a spot safe from the green energy, either try to keep him stunned with weapon skills or consumables, or dodge his Launch, to prevent being knocked back into the green moving energy. Farnaz, High Priestess of Lyssa If her confusion is giving you difficulties, then you can take Shake It Off or alternatively trait for Brawler8217s Recovery. There is enough time to use it after she shatters her clones before the next autoattack, especially on weapons with slower chains, such as greatsword. If her autoattack is giving you problems, then you can run around the statue whilst hitting her, which will cause her auto attacks to be obstructed. If you dont dodge her Moa transformation, then you can continue to DPS her as a cute bird if you are in a group, however if you are solo it is usually safer to use the 5 skill to evade away and then come back in when the transformation ends. Corrupted Light, The Grand Processional Gate and Giganticus Lupicus See Shared Parts at the start of the Arah section Swap Signet of Fury if you have it for Signet of Might, and equip SwordWarhorn Greatsword. Hundred Blades and Whirlwind Attack an air tower, and then Final Thrust to finish it off. Use Charge and Savage Leap to quickly reach the next one. If there are not many classes in your party with good single target ranged DPS, then you can let your team kill the second turret, whilst you run ahead and kill the third turret with Longbow. Be careful not to hit any of the mobs surrounding the turret with Arcing Arrow, as they have a long leash distance. Ghasem, High Priest of Grenth Avoid using Tremor or any other projectiles, as the wraith will reflect them. If you are attempting it solo, then you can use Combustive Shot to slowly do damage to the Wraith whilst you are waiting at the next spawn. Use Healing Surge and Signet of Fury to gain adrenaline back, and Rush and Bulls Charge to quickly run to the next spawn point. If your group is pulling all the wraiths at once to one central point, then you should keep your banner equipped and drop it there. If not, then you can either carry the banner to every wraith spawn, or just equip double signets. Simin, High Priestess of Dwayna If your group does not have a Guardian or a Mesmer to give you stability when you are about to be petrified, then you can take Balanced Stance instead of Signet of Fury. Use Balanced Stance just before Dead Eyed Stare runs out. If you have a warhorn equipped, save Charge for when the spark luring phase begins, to ensure that the players pulling the sparks have swiftness. Run to Bloodstone When approaching the group of spectrals, you can either use Shield Stance to block all of their attacks, or use Berserkers Stance and Rush through. When approaching the Risen Shark, use Parry followed by a dodge when the block ends. Take Balanced Stance if you are not confident that you will be able to dodge all of his charge without being knocked down. Clearing the mobs and the Bloodstone If your group aggros any Spellcasters, wait until they start spinning and interrupt it with Tremor. Try to knock down the Risen Hunter before he has a chance to cast Stability on himself. If your group has a slow kill time, and there is no Guardian or Mesmer providing stability, then you may need to take Balanced Stance for the same reason as Simin. If you down, you can rally off the entangling roots. About The Authors Purple Miku is a well-known and popular livestreamer on Twitch and a video maker for Youtube and has taken part in records including both solo and group play. Miku tends to prefer Arah and FotM, and has written a warrior DPS guide on the official forums for solo settings and is the current author of this guide. Additionally, Miku also is an officier and trial overseer for rT and personally trials both warriors and elementalists, and is currently an author for both this and the elementalist guide on dulfy. Element, commonly referred to as Tom, is the original author of this guide and is one of the veteran members, an officer, and original warrior expert player in Retaliate rT, a well known European speed clear guild. He has taken part in and held numerous records, including group path speed runs and solo records such as solo Lupicus records for Warrior, Thief and Engineer, as well as whole solo path runs. He has also played WarriorEngineer to reach the top 100 on the Team Queue leaderboards, but has been an Engineer main for the past year and currently is regulating the dulfy guide for it. Have any suggestions or questions Contact us ingame at: Share this: Here is the Phalanx Strength Build for Tequalt: Here is the Phalanx Strength Build for Wurm: For Crimson, you can swap out your bow for swordwarhorn to run clouds much faster. Also, Toxic Sharpening Stone verses Superior Sharpening Stone. At lower levels, I was under the impression that Toxic Sharpening Stones give more power than Superior Sharpening Stones due to scaling. If you need help writing guides for full wurm strategies, let me know. srsly soldier gear replace it with berserker and they are really good but use V in weapons not II cause vun is stronger than speed gw2skillseditorfJAQFARjMdU5ZnHefQHaAggy4BEAHThMI9SkEZPA-TRRBABUcBAuaR5HAPAAKVxMlgkBQfMA-e cause you need a lot of dmg for the wurm You are right, I forgot to switch off Soldier stats for Zerker for wurm. Reason you run II instead V is because during burns he will instantly hit 25 stacks naturally without having to push for it. You may as well use a trait to help you with running clouds or kegs faster. I don8217t mean to nitpick but they forgot to mention that warriors use Rifles in the weapon discussion. Curious of what they would say about Warriors using a rifle. Also I use my own variable set of traits and such. Mixing it between GS, Rifle, and AxeShield. The guide is meant to show what is optimal and what is not optimal. This is guide is not telling you to run a certain thing, merely just giving pointers and advice. If you want to run your own build or do your own strategy, then by all means no one is telling you not too. It is merely a guide out there as a reference on how an 8220expert8221 views the game. True that, though I still wanted to point out some things in the guide that caught my attention. Sorry about that, I quit GW2 2 days after the expansion was released and handed over the details to somebody else, but it turns out they haven8217t bothered to update it. Another niche guide intended for a PvE dungeon speedrunner elitist dps freak, not an average player. 8220General PvE guide82218230 riiight. 8220Vitality and Toughness are redundant stats8221 Sure8230 if you are the abovementioned type, always run in balanced groups who know what they8217re doing, and have groupmates you can rely on. For an average player, trust me, they are VERY important. Especially one just learning the game, and wanting a relatively painless experience in it. Try running a glass cannon warrior like that in a pug group, or even worse, solo8230 you8217ll get wasted by the first tough bunch of mobs you run across. Take my advice people, make it a 6040 balance in favor of toughnessvitality over powerprecision, you8217ll be thanking yourselves after every boss encounter. And still have more then competitive dps in most situations. Also, please8230 DO NOT try PvPing with that kind of build8230 please. You8217ll die faster then a snowflake in summer. Same thing about weapon viability. Rifle, useless Give me a fucking break. Rifle, in my experience, beats the longbow by a significant margin in dealing with mobs. And its autoattack isnt 8220half the dps of the longbow8221 8211 I encourage the author to check the rate of fire on the rifle AA and LB AA, and their average damage, then claim that again. Not to mention it has the best burst-skill of all weapons on warrior, Kill shot. Hammer, useless in PvE Sure8230 if all you care about is raw dps. It has 2 interrupts you can use to gimp tough mobs8217 attacks (3, if you count the awesome AoE stun it has for burst skill), a knockdown, and a long-lasting cripple. And contrary to this crap guide, the dps on it isnt that bad at all. Sure, it cant compete with GS dps machine, but its more then viable. GS is so overrated on the Warrior its not even funny. Sure, Hundred blades is awesome if it works right, but since you need mobs to stand still and in range of it, and be nicely grouped in your forward arc, AND you cant move during it, you get interrupted more often then not, or mobs just move out of its range. Whirling Axe a dps loss OMG8230 its the BEST AoE attack on the warrior, by far. It cleaves up to 5 mobs for decent damage (granted, not as high as Hundred blades, but 2 mobs more then it, more consistent and easier to manage, since you can move during it and it hits in a full 360 arc), it lasts longer, and it builds adrenaline like crazy. Mace mainhand also isnt bad, autoattack is a bit lackluster, but the extra block can be a huge help for survivability. This kind of guide vith that smartass part 8220toughvita is redundant8221 is the reason I see GS warriors all the time at low levels, who die the moment they come across 2 veteran mobs, and get raped because their staying power is crap, and they are sitting ducks while Hundred Blading, all for maybe 15-25 more dps. PvE is about a LOT more then dealing damage. Firstly, you need to stay ALIVE long enough to deal damage. And have some utility in your attack besides pumping out dps. You might want to bear in mind that you made your comment a full year after the last time this guide was updated. You8217re getting your boxers in a bunch over someone being right about the meta at the time.

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